Family Problems

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Note: Internal dialogue is in italics. Out loud is in regular form.

Beatrice had faced many things, criminals, parasitical machines, even extremely charismatic and charming psychopathic aliens. But what she dreaded most was family dinners.

Every couple of months or so Beatrice's mother insisted the family get together for dinner. There were five of them. Her parents Janice and Alexander, her brother Collin, her sister Louisa, and herself. Beatrice was, of course, the odd duck in the family.

She had excellent grades in school and her parents expected her to go on and get some sort of fancy job. When she had joined UNIT, or as they thought a government agency, they were rather disappointed. The real kicker was that nobody in her family knew what she actually did.

Ever since becoming an agent they were growing more and more estranged. Well here goes nothing,  she thought to herself.

Beatrice had taken the train from London to Glasgow. She really hoped this trip was worth it and wouldn't end in disaster. She knocked on the door of the one-story yellow house with green trim that had always seemed a bit too cheerful for the rainy Glasgow weather.

Her mother opened the door. Janice Rosenfield was rather short with shoulder-length red hair and blue eyes. She gave Beatrice a hug as she came in.

"Hello, Beatrice," 

"Hello, mother. How are you?"

"Oh fine. Your siblings are already here," replied Janice. 

"Great, I'll just go put my bags in my room." Beatrice headed to her room which was painted lavender and had several bookshelves. There was a rather dusty desk with a photo of Beatrice and her family at a park. 

The walls held several posters including one for  To Kill a Mocking Bird, one of Sean Connery as James Bond, and a Beatles poster.

Walking back downstairs to the living room she encountered the rest of her family. Louisa and Collin both had the same red hair and hazel eyes as Beatrice. But while Beatrice wore her hair in long red waves her sister was sporting a pixie cut. Her brother was extremely tall and had his hair swooped to the side slightly.

 As for her father he had bright blue eyes, short light red hair, and the beginnings of a beard. Nobody had any idea how all the kids had ended up with hazel eyes.

"Hey there little sis," said Collin. He was the eldest followed by Louisa making Beatrice the baby of the family.

"Hey, Collin how's Janine?" Beatrice asked referring to her brother's wife.

"Great. Pregnancy hasn't been too hard just yet."

"Woah! Wait she's pregnant? When did I miss that memo?" Beatrice asked. Happy for her brother, but a bit put out that she seemed to be the last to find out the news.

"Well, you have been busy," pointed out Louisa.

You have no idea, thought Beatrice.

"Well, congratulations and good to see you too Louisa." 

"You're looking well," interrupted her father walking over to hug Beatrice.

"Thanks, dad." 

"Dinner!" called Janice and all of them went to gather around the table.

"Please let it be edible this time," muttered Collin and Beatrice giggled. She was always closest to her brother.

Once they were settled the dreaded small talk began. Beatrice prepared herself to give vague answers.

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