Burning Horizon; Preface & A Perfect Beginning

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  • Dedicated to Annie Currie

Please Note: This was my first ever piece of fictional writing and was written when I was 12/13 years old.

Of course; All characters belong to Ms Stephenie Meyer and this book is my personal continuation of her 'Twilight Saga' books.

This story is set roughly four years after the end of 'Breaking Dawn'.

Burning Horizon;


"NO!" someone else screeched. Their piercingly high pitched voice echoed around my head as if I was stood in a vast hall, the one word they spoke repeating itself again and again. All it was doing was forcing more and more terror upon me. Nothing anyone did now could help me - I was certain of that, I was too far over the edge for any return to reality.

Bella Cullen;


"Guess who?" His smooth, firm hands clasped slowly over my eyes from behind. Even his voice alone, dripping with subtle seduction, created such bold sensation within me that I often wondered if I was little crazy. Despite the deep feeling of warmth within me, I knew that part of my reaction was missing, as it would be for the rest of my personal forever. It was something that he would miss deeply, yet I was finally free from the burden of; my burning red blushes that never failed to push me to a point of extreme embarrassment. They had always made an appearance during awkward situations in my human lifetime, and it had never been a welcome one.

"I have absolutely no idea." I spoke quietly in a silvery voice that I was just about used to.

"I don't believe you," Edward whispered in my ear as he abruptly spun me around to face him.

Smirking at him was the only answer I could manage in my slightly bewildered, bewitched state of mind.

Nothing much had changed from before my excruciating transformation; all of my worries had evaporated along with my humanity. The only thing that had changed, I guess, was my species - which on thinking about does seem like a pretty major change. It was odd to speak about it in asuch a blasé, carefree way, but I had never considered it to be a massive alteration life. Immortality was me. I was made to be immortal. That was all there was to it. To look back now and think that I had been worried about the strength of my love for Edward faltering now seems to me to be the most ridiculous part. The delicate human passion I had held before had to have quadrupled itself at least. It seemed to me that each moment I spent with him, my desire to be by his side whenever possible would grow uncontrollably. Never before had I been able to comprehend the sheer vastness of space that you have within you to fill with love.   

Feeling the electricity pulsing between us, I tilted my head up for one of those moments that I would be insane without, that I would have to die without. His lips found mine.

"Mom!" A demanding voice echoed down the staircase from upstairs accompanied by a faint swish of fabric on wood as she slid down the banister - a trick she had been taught by her mischievous uncle as a toddler.

Edward rolled his eyes with humour. "Here comes the monster."

It was less than a second until the heavy door swung open.

"Ugh, can you two please get a room?" Renesmee's large eyes glinted with a playful edge as she took in the intimate positions that we stood in.

"We already have, we do somewhat own this house you know." Edward smiled a loving smile, not sort the love that he showed me, but something different at our girl - it was something I could only describe as beautiful adoration. He let my hand slip from his, lurching forward to grab her. Or, to grab the air where she had stood previously...

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