Burning Horizon; Another Mystery in my Life

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  • Dedicated to Emma Tomkins

[AN; Okay, so I like making things a little grim. But this chapter was grimmer than it is now, my friends made me change it. In this chapter Bella mentions how every morning Jacob is waiting in the garden for Renesmee. Every morning she opens the curtains and he's sat in the same spot, usually in the exact same outfit of dark shorts and a grey vest top. The bond between the two of them has grown strong over the years, something that Bella is fine with. Edward, not so much. However, although they are willing to accept friendship, neither of them could bear Jacob turning the friendship to love. Yet.

Keep reading! Comment and tell me what you think, because if you don't tell me there, I'll never know!]

Chapter Three: Another Mystery In My Life

"Ten of us, yes, thank you," Alice sang into the receiver and then placed it gently into the empty stand. "That's settled then, New York on Friday and then a week in the Balearics. It's about time we could get some proper sun on our skin."

She gestured outside where the diluted sunlight was grimly filtering in through a layer of thick, grey clouds. I was suprised how anyone that lived here got along without their Vitamin D, perhaps they all had supplements.

"Perfect. And you're certain that it will be safe?" I asked.

"Do you doubt me Bella?" Alice smiled. "No one's going to trespass on us, I promise you. The place we're going is totally private and exclusively booked for us. As long as you don't go parading right on top of the cliffs we'll be perfectly safe."

"Me!" I giggled.

"Better crack open your piggy bank Bells, if we're going to New York," Edward stated, lifting me into the air to spin me around.

My wardrobe was running low, I wrecked most of my clothes hunting and the surviving clothes were not to my taste at all. Silks and satins that clung to my skin were not my favourite items to say the least, although they had started to grow on me, and Edward. Well, they had always been to Edward's satisfaction. At least my fashion was in a better state than Aymie's. Most of her clothes were ruined on her journey to find us, but the fact that most of her clothes were black hooded cloaks didn't really help either. People would be slightly suspicious if she walked down the high street with her velvet cloak flowing behind her in the wind.

"No chance of a loan?" I whispered as Alice ran upstairs to organise her stash of clothes for the trip.

"How much do you want?" he asked, rolling his eyes like a dad did when their daughter asked for money immediately after they'd just had their allowance.

"Couple of thousand will do it." I winked at him as he gave me a disapproving look. "It is designer out there, and we're talking about shopping with your sister here. I'm bound to come back with at least one or two whole shops! "

It had only been this morning when we'd got back from hunting and Renesmee had slept all the way through, ever since Alice had caught her from running into the trees. Carlisle's voice sounded from above us, he had been examining her while she slept, constantly checking her growth, heartbeat, temperature and checking in with Edward on her dreams and thoughts.

"Come on Nessie," Carlisle whispered as he swept down the open staircase. His stethoscope hung loosely around his neck and his arm was wrapped around Renesmee's shoulders, keeping her upright. Her face was even paler than ours.

"Don't know what's wrong with this one." he said, swinging Renesmee up into his open, cradled arms. He threw her softly into the air where Edward suddenly appeared. She turned her face away from his, braced for a scolding.

"Disturbed sleeper, like I said," Edward murmured, smiling his crooked smile again. He pressed his lips against her forehead. Then his face turned sour, "Don't you ever run off again, please."

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