The first day Benji and Jey meet

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Benjis pov:
Oh my God today is the day I get to see my love. I'm so excited the first thing I did when I woke up was call Jey to tell him how much i love him. He really has my heart I have never been this happy.He truly is the love of my life.But first I had to get ready.

Jey pov: wow I'm really going to see my baby today! I cleaned everything I organized so everything could be perfect for benji. He is all I care about. He understands me like no one else. I dont know what I would have done if we never started talking.He doesn't know I have a gift for him i really hope he likes it.

Benji pov: okay now I'm ready now my brother has to take me because I haven't told my parents about jey I know they won't understand and I just can't risk them not letting me go see jey.Rowy is the only one that knows and he is totally cool about it.I had told my parents that I was going to visit my friend syd for the week so they would let me go.We finally arrived at the train station and i felt like I was going to throw up I was so nervous. I said bye to rowy and went on my way.

Jey pov: benji is only a couple hours away. I am freaking out I'm so lucky that my parents accept who I am but benjis parents dont and I just wish everyone in this world would except people for who they are. I had this whole day planned out for me and benji. First I was going to take him on a picnic in the park, then we were going to walk around and look at all the shops, after we were going to go back to my house and I would give him his gift with an extra special thing.But first I had to go meet benji at the train station.

Benji pov: This train could have not taken any longer but I was here. Right as I stepped out of the train there he was my love.

Jeys pov: wow there he was the sexiest guy ever my breath was taken by his beauty.

Benjis pov: we both ran to eachother hugging in disbelief that we were actually together. I kissed him our first kiss it was like I was standing on a cloud.

Jey pov: Benji has the softest lips and the warmest arms I could not be luckier.

Benjis pov: we started to walk to jeys house just to settle my things down and on the way there we could not stop talking I could talk to him forever and never get bored.

Jeys pov: i can't believe it right now me and benji are on the way to my house and I couldn't be happier.I love him so much.

Benji pov: we got to jeys house and I laid all my things down while jey was just watching me. Damm hes so hot.

Jeys pov: thank God my parents arent home so they wouldnt interrogate benji but as benji laid his things down I couldnt help but to think of our future. This is the man I want to be with for the rest of my life i couldn't imagine it with anyone else.

Benjis pov: all done with my clothes and now it's time to spend time with my bby.

Jeys pov: okay hes ready "I have this whole day planned out for us first we are going to the park"

Benjis pov: "the park okay fun"im so nervous to be with him what if he realizes he doesn't love me

Jeys pov: we got in the park and went to the park I had already packed the sandwiches I made us and the drinks with a flower vase. I really hope he likes it

Benjis pov: he doesn't know that I packed him a gift it's really special to me and I hope he will like it as much as I did.

Jeys pov: we arrived at the park and we found a perfect spot under a tree with a heart carved into it.

Benji pov: wow he really cares about me I can't belive he did all this I'm falling more and more for you jey.

Jey pov: "hey benji I was thinking about our future and what it's going to be like"

Benji pov: " oh you have me too actually. I have realised that there's no one else I would want to be in my future than you"

Jey pov: "really! I feel the exact same way" "maybe we can get an apartment together"

Benji pov: "of course baby I would love that"

Jeys pov: we finished all our food and were done talking. Now we are heading to the shops.

Time skip

Benji pov: we made it back to jeys house and the whole way he kept saying he had a special surprise"

Jeys pov: thank God my parents are still not home that way I could really give my all into benji special surpise"

Benji pov: " i have something special for you my love"

Jeys pov: "Me really? What is it?"
Benjis pov: "look in that little yellow bag"

Jeys pov: awe he really got me something I love him so much" oh my God benji I love it" it was a heart locket and it had a picture of me and benji

Benjis pov: he likes it he really likes it he ran giving me a hug and a kiss
Jeys pov: "I have a gift for you too" " look in that bag"

Benji pov: a gift for me he got me a gift. He spoils me too much." Jey you shouldn't have I love it" it was a bracelet that whenever i tap it it send a message to the other saying i miss them and am thinking about them.

Jeys pov: "so now you can always know I'm thinking about you" "now it's time for your special special surpise"

Benjis pov: "wait that wasn't it"
Jeys pov: " nope not at all, are you ready"

Hey guys let me know if you want the next part. I'll try to get updates daily but if not then for sure every other day. Sorry if it was long but this was just the introduction to their story.

Benjey the beginning of the rest of their livesWhere stories live. Discover now