Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

{Current Day: Avery's 18th birthday🎊}
{Time: Midnight}

Avery was asleep when everyone, Both of her parents, Zoey, Jaxon, Jade, Kade, Cash, Maverick, and Lani busted through the door with stuff setting off confetti cannons and everything

Everyone: HAPPY 18TH AVERY!!!

They all yelled startling her

Avery: AGHH

She yelled while falling out of the bed and onto the floor

Avery: OW

Jaxon: Come on, Up ya go

He helped her up

Avery: I was sleepingggggggg

She said while dragging the "G"

Avery: But thank you guys so much

She said with a smile

Maverick: You sleep a lot

Avery: More then you

Cash: That's why were best friends

He came over to me and put his arm around my neck

Cash: We sleep a lot

Avery: Not together though

I pushed his arm off me

Cash: Your legal. And I've got a girlfriend

Avery: Mhm

Maverick: WHAT

Cash: I'm just kidding... Maybe

{I forgot if i named their mom so her names Kay}

Kay: Okay get back to sleep. you have a long day tomorrow

Avery: You woke me up for 5 minutes then tell me to go back to sleep

Kay: Yeah

Avery: Okay night friends

Every: Night

Everyone walk out of her room then went to their rooms (or house) then went to sleep

~Skip to 7 am that morning~

*Averys Pov*

I woke up got a shower and got dressed



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Once i got ready i went down stairs to see my favorite breakfast

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Once i got ready i went down stairs to see my favorite breakfast. but no one was home. I walked over to the Pancakes to see a note that said

Hey sweetie. Once you get ready wait till around 11 then Steve will be at the house. He knows where he's going so relax and be ready for the day
momma 😊

I smiled and ate the pancakes then seen that its already 10 am

So i decided to go check out what's going on on insta

Once i Opened insta there was thousands of notifications going through, between my dms, and notifications in general

I died some fans back then there was a knock at the front door

It looked at the time


Did i really reply to fans for that long ?

I thought to myself

Eh, it's a good day so let's go

I grabbed my purse and walked to the front door to see steve

Steve: Hello Miss Avery

Avery: Hi Steve

Steve: So i'll be directing you for the day, so come along

Avery: Okay

I walked out of the house shutting the door behind me when he opened the car door

Avery: Thanks Steve

Steve: Anytime

I got in and buckled while he drove to wherever i was going

~Skip 45 Minutes~

We arrived at..


Hey guys sorry i haven't updated in like 2 weeks but we had finals and they finished last week then i went on a "mini vacation" with one of my friends then after that went out with some of my other friends and there was bad weather so i ended up getting sick :( but i'm getting better so anyways prolly like 5% of you guys will read this and thank you guys so much for all the support😇

word count-

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