Chapter 21

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He grabbed my hand and took me out back where there wasn't a lot of people

He sat down in one of the deck chairs and I sat beside of him

Ave: So what's up ?

Maverick: So uh, this might be bad timing but, Avery West there's literally so many words to describe you, your beautiful, caring, kind, and so much more. I love you with everything in me. I hope you feel the same way and with that  Avery Klay West will you be my girlfriend?

By the time he finished, I was bawling my eyes out, and happy tears

Avery: Maverick that was so sweet I love you too and I love to be your girlfriend

Maverick: Wait? Really?!?

Avery: Yes!!

I said with a smile on my face. With that he picked me up and spun me around. After he spinned me he sat me down back on my feet then looked me in the eyes when someone started talking

Cash: Let me guess

Zoey: She said yes ?

Maverick and I both looked at them with smiles on our faces

Lani: She definitely said yes

She said while walking outside where Cash and Zoey was

Maverick: Yes she did

Cash: I'm so happy for you guys

Zoey: Me two

Lani: Me three

They all said with smiles

Avery And Maverick: Thank you

We both said in sync

Zoey: And Maverick

Maverick: Yes Zoey ?

He said while letting me go

Zoey: You best take care of her

Cash: Oh he will. I told him I would Deactivate his Tik Tok and Instagram if he didn't

Lani: HA

She said while busting out laughing

Maverick: Oh hush, I'll take good care of her

Zoey: Good

Cash: Come on lets tell your mom you said yes

He said while grabbing both mine and Mavericks arms

Avery: Wait, you told my mom?

cash: Yeah, Why, is that a problem?

Maverick: Actually, I told her mom, She respected it and she said it was fine. Your dad also approved of it

Avery: Okay. I officially love you guys


He said while letting go of our arms go, throwing his arms and hands up, and running inside going who knows where. With Zoey running after him

Zoey: CASH!!!!

Avery: Uh, What was that about

Lani: Ever sense he met you he wanted you to "Love Him"

She said with air quotes

Maverick: And Zoey too but that hasn't happened

Lani: As far as we know it hasn't

Avery: Unless...

word count-

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