English Period... <Chapter 15>

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For the whole lesson the girl named; Harmony, she was getting all friendly, leaning on Adrien and trying to help him even if he didn't need it. And every now and again you would growl when they get... extremely friendly...

Thankfully next period was English and the teacher said that you will be in the library the whole lesson, nothing bad could happen. Right? You asked yourself while you were walking across the school.

"Hey, y/n!" A voice exclaimed behind you, you turned around and saw Alya waving for you to stop so she could catch up, and when she did you both started walking again.

"Yes Alya?" You questioned, putting on a fake smile while looking at her in the corner of your eye.

"Okay girl, what was with all that growling during class?" She asked, your breath suddenly stopped as you started paying more attention to her, you let out a loud groan and continued to walk at a normal pace.

"Was I really that loud?" You asked slightly embarrassed, hitting your books on your head.

"Wellllllllllll I was sitting right behind you, so..... yes." She replied bluntly, "why were you growling anyway?"

"That new girl, Harmony was getting all too friendly with my boyfriend." You stated, having the urge to growl just at the thought, Alya gave off a ahh sound like she understood.

She gave you a gentle push on your side, before asking, "What book are you reading?" You were thankful she changed the subject, it seemed like every time you talked about it it just made you blood boil with rage.

"Nothing much, just a book called the school for good and evil." You replied bluntly, opening the door to the English class. As you walked in you both went dead silent, knowing that the English teacher is quite a strict one. You all walked to a desk, this is the only class that has group tables, so you like to make the most of it. The group consisted of; You, Adrien, Alya, Marinette, Nino and least of all Oliver.

As you can tell it was a group of six, three tables in a row on each side, and of course you were sitting next to Adrien, and next to Adrien was Nino.

"ALRIGHT YOU LITTLE FLEA BAGS!!! LISTEN UP!!" The teacher yelled, Mrs. Clause (no not like Santa Clause, clause as in an independent clause and dependent clause), the classroom was silent the only noise was the one from the clock ticking ever to quickly on the wall, after a moment Mrs. Clause decided to continue, "as you all know, we are going to the library today. I don't want any misbehaving or noise or any form of talking to one another. Is that clear."

Everyone either mumbled a 'yes' or nodded so that she knows people are listening to her, without saying anything the threatening teacher walked out the door, everyone following behind, flooding out the doors just to walk all the way back to the other side of the school, good thing this was a small school.

On the way there you decided to read, knowing that you learned you lesson about walking into people you always glanced up every now and again. It was relaxing and peaceful, well it was until you were interrupted by a presence next to you.

"Are you okay Y/n?" A familiar voice asked, as soon as the words left his mouth you knew exactly who it was, "you were growling a lot last period." After remembering what happened you clenched the side of you book tighter, as if it was trying to escape but you held it still.

"I'm fine, thanks Adrien. Just that new girl gets on my nerves... Something is off about her." You replied while looking at your book but not actually reading any of it. Only moments later a heavy weight was placed on your shoulders, your eyes widened a bit but then came to the conclusion it was Adrien's arm.

"I promise Y/n, I am only yours." He started then leaned closer to you, his lips gently brushing against your ear, "okay Princess" you closed you book, no longer finding interest in it as your cheeks started to heat up, but you didn't mind, you know Adrien likes to make you flustered.

A smile grew upon you face as you held the book in one hand and swung your other hand around his waist, giving Adrien a loving side hug, he was also following the same action.

"Thanks Adrien." You replied, and for a couple of seconds you could feel a jealous, inconsiderate gaze from behind you... you already had a feeling you knew who it was coming from.

Once the class arrived at the front of the library the teacher opened the door for everyone, once you and Adrien were walking through the teacher scolded you for showing PDA in school, especially in her class, so sadly the two of you had to seperate.

You looked around the library for a place to sit, there were a couple of tables but all were occupied by other students so you suggested you and your friends go sit in a hall way, and of course they all agreed. You and Adrien sat the the very end, leaning against the wall, while everyone else was leaning against the shelves, careful not you push them over.

As everyone began to read you leaned against Adrien, laying your head on his chest as he wrapped an arm around your, you pulled your body as close up to him as possible and cuddled comfortably next to him, and he gently placed a kiss on your head as you started to be captured by the imagination of the book.

"Adrien Argeste. Here. Now." Mrs Clause stated making you groan, you were just getting comfortable and the witch had to take your prince away... Adrien got up and you leaned against the cold, bricked wall missing the warmth you got from Adrien, but thankfully he was only gone for a few minutes, then the teacher called out again, "Nino and Alya come here." The two got up as you leaned back on Adrien, then as you were getting happier he was back the mood was ruined.

Because of course Chloe and Harmony just had to come and sit here, not like there was hundreds of other places...

"Hey Adrikkens!!" Chloe said a bit you loud, with a growl you raised your head from Adrien just not feeling the comfort you did before.

"Hey Adrien!" Harmony greeted, Adrien waved as a response while you just bought your knees up to your face using them to lean your book on, as you kept reading.

"Heh..." he replied awkwardly, while returning back to his book, then the worst thing imaginable happened.

"Adrien." The witch called, Adrien knew this meant that she wanted to see him, so then he left.

And you were with the last people you wanted to be alone with...

The former villain.
A love sick man.
A prep.
And least of all; the harpy

ALRIGHT!!! I know I haven't posted in like forever (three days) but here is you new chapter, I hope you like it, it has a bonus 100 words, may not be a lot but yeah.

What is your ideal bonding moment in a relationship??


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