happiest sad girl youll ever meet

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a happy little girl
blue eyes, tall, curly haired
A happy girl
always getting told no
always told it was her fault
do what she is told
don't question it

a happy little girl
jumping, dancing, singing around
always told it was her fault
always do as your told
do the chores
doesn't she dare ask for help

a happy little girl
happy for the most part, some days she was lonely, sad
always told not to talk
don't talk about it
do keep it together, please, since she is happy this should be easy for the little girl.

why couldn't the happy girl stay happy

a happy girl
groomed sad

a sad little girl
daunting smile, bloodshot eyes, broken heart
always putting others first
always taking the blame
always keeping it together

until sad little girl found the only way to be happy was to find herself.

if the world found the happy little girl and shaped her first, how would she find herself?


the happiest sad little girl remade herself

-and this time she was worth it

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