Chapter 5

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Authors Note: Congrats! If you've mad it this far in my book, I love you! And I'm happy you actually like it!

Jenny's POV

Luckily, Ed only had to stay in the hospital for two days. He didn't slip into a coma like I had. They didn't put him on suicide watch. And we didn't have to push his small tour back.

Tomorrow, Ed and I will be going to Orlando, Florida. All the way in the US. Where my father was. The thought of seeing him scared me shit-less., and Ed noticed my nervousness.

"Jen, are you okay?" He comes over to the bed, where I lay shaking, staring at the floor.

I remember the trip to the hospital.

"The question is, are YOU okay, Ed. You never told me what was wrong the other day." I say, trying to hide the anger that had risen in me.

"I'm sorry, Jen. I cant tell you. we have to go to my parents house today, before we leave."

"Okay," I perk up, thinking about seeing my family, as I called them now.

I got out of bed and got my clothes for a shower. I turn on the radio in our bathroom, and a new artist, Frank Ocean comes on.

"Taxi Driver, be my shrink for the hour

leave the meter runnin

Its rush hour

so take the streets if you wanna

Just outrun the demons, could Ya?

he said 'Allahu Ahkbar'

I told him don't curse me.

but boy you need prayer,

I guess it couldn't hurt me

but if it brings me to my knees,

its a bad religion." He sings.

I got into the shower, and began to wash my hair and body.

I was out within 20 minutes, and putting on my clothes. I always dressed up when I was seeing the Sheerans.

I wore a short, baige lacey strpless dress with a wide light brown belt. When I dried my hair, I curled it, and pulled the sides back, leaving out my bangs. I finished off the outfit with brown boots, that came to the ankle and matched the belt. I accessorized with a few gold bangles, and the gold necklace Ed had gotten me for our two year anniversary. it was the most memorable day in our relationship.

Ed had showered and was dressed in khaki chinos and a green polo. He was wearing matching green converse, and the silver Rolex watch I had gotten him on his twentieth birthday.

"Ready, beautiful?" he smiles cheekily at me.

"Yes, love." I smile back, just as cheeky.

We walk out of the room and go to the kitchen. I grab my neuro drink-- It makes me feel all bubbly-- and two caramel rice cakes. Yum.

Ed walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist. He kisses my neck softly. I giggle, and turn around..

"I love you" he whispers, lips hovering above mine.

"I love you too." I reply, and crash my lips to his.

We pull apart smiling, and walk out. We walk down to our car, and hop in. Ed starts the car, and pulls out of the lot. I turn on the radio, and notice that Cher Llloyd's Want U Back was playing.

I began to sing along, loudly, and terribly. It causes Ed to roar with laughter. I began to laugh with him, I can actually sing.

"Hey! boy you never had much game,

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