Chapter 5: A Little Heart to Heart

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(A few hours later - Inside the auditorium of Beacon Academy)

3rd POV

A crowd gathered in front of the stage, of which Ozpin was standing in front of a microphone and Goodwitch standing to the side with a tablet, changing the screen on the wall with different profiles of students. After listing off the names for the team that Finn and the others met briefly in Forever Fall, Ozpin announces the team leader.

Ozpin: From this day forward, you will work together as Team SLVR. Led by... Sebastian Santiago!

The boy dressed in nice attire had a shocked look on his face once he realised his status, getting hugs from his teammates and jumping in joy. Behind stage, Finn, Elric, Tina and Alice oversees the stage from the side, looking at the other team with smiles on their faces.

Elric: Heh, looks like he's going to be simply one hell of a leader.

Tina: Did you really... ugh, nevermind.

Elric gave a hearty laugh as Tina shook her head in disgrace. As the stage became clear, Opzin's voice is heard again over the speakers.

Ozpin: And finally: Tina Eyrus, Finn Loctus, Elric Damon and Alice Abadeer.

The four of them stood in the order that Ozpin announced; they stood patiently in front the crowd of hundreds of students.

Ozpin: The four of you retrieved the white knight. From this day forward, you will work together as Team FATE. Led by...

They all became anxious is it drew closer. The suspense was killing them.

Ozpin: ...Finn Loctus!

Finn froze in place as he heard the announcement and everyone else looked at him. Elric gave him a punch on the arm and cheered him on.

Elric: You know, I can get behind you as a leader. I'm sure you're going to do great things!

Finn let of a nervous laugh as Alice hugs him from behind, jumping up and down and Tina simply puts her hand on his shoulder.

Ozpin: (Whispering to Finn) You're going to be having an interesting year, young man.

Ozpin's statement only made Finn more nervous and anxious about his future. After the four step off-stage, they're met with Ruby and Weiss.

Ruby: So, who's the leader? Who is it?!

Finn raised his hand with a red glow on his face.

Finn: Its me. I'm the leader for the team.

Ruby gave a proud look at Finn with such hopefulness in her eyes while Weiss gave a heart-warming smile.

Weiss: I knew you had it in you.

Elric: Yeah, you definitely have what it takes!

Elric put his arm over Finn's shoulder and gave him a cheeky grin.

Finn: I guess. (Looks at Ruby and Weiss) So, what do we do now?

Ruby: Well, we still need to show you guys you're dorm room. Follow me.

The newly-formed team followed behind Ruby and Weiss as they went to their dorm rooms. The dorm corridor were wide enough to allow two people to walk side by side, with the doors on the left side, having numbers that went up as they went along. Soon, the two stopped after a door with the number '81'.

Ruby: Well, here we are. This is your dorm room.

Finn proceeded to open the door to their room. The room only had four beds at the end of the room, enough for Team FATE and windows that shows a very scenic view as well as a little kitchen area in the corner nearest to the door. The room was very basic as there was nothing else aside the beds, windows and lights.

Team F.A.T.E: A New Beginning (A RWBY OC Story)Where stories live. Discover now