Pt. 21 - Everything is Okay of Once

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Virgil froze, eyes widening upon feeling the Prince kissing him.

Then, his arms came up around the others' shoulders, wrapping around his neck. Virgil relaxed into the kiss, letting himself get lost in the other.

It was comfortable, in a way that Virgil wasn't use to. Nothing was rushed, just a slow kiss the two of them shared.

After a while, Roman pulled away, resting his forehead on the darker side's.

Roman smiled a little at the shorter boy, leaning in to peck his lips again.

Virgil blushed and ducked his head, resting it on the fancier side's shoulder.  Roman wrapped his arms around the boy in his lap, and they sat for a while, Roman supporting Virgil.

Then Roman had Virgil sit up, and started unzipping the patched hoodie he always wore. 

"Uh... princey?"

Roman chuckled and slipped it off of him, placing his hands on Virgil's waist.

"Do you trust me?"

Virgil snickered, batting him on the shoulder.

"A Disney reference?  Really?"

Roman smiled and helped him take his shirt off, throwing it to the floor. 

Virgil remained only in his binder, sitting in Roman's lap.  His face was a bright pink, any tears from earlier gone.

"Do you trust me?"  Roman asked again, looking into Virgil's eyes.

"Idiot.  My shirt wouldn't be off right now if I didn't." 

Roman rolled his eyes and pulled the boy closer to him.  Gently, he lowered his head and kissed the skin that met the binder, softly brushing his thumbs across his sides.

Virgil's breath hitched, arms tightening around Roman's neck.

Roman continued to kiss around the binder, at the same time massaging his sides.


He looked up, making eye contact with the anxious trait.  Virgil cupped his face in his hands, and leaned down to kiss the Princely one.

From the hall, a loud crash sounded, and a second later, the door to Virgil's room flung open, a gasping Patton falling through the door.

Logan hurried into the door, leaning against the doorframe, and trying to pull Patton away.

"Virgil, I apologize.  Patton was worried that- oh."  Logan started, then seeing the usually shy trait straddling Roman in only his binder.

Virgil blushed heavily, ducking his head to hide it in Roman's shoulder.

"Well, I can't say I'm very surprised it went well, but Roman, this is quite early, don't you think?  I mean to say, since the two of you only just confessed to each other, it is early to participate in sexual interactions-"

"NO! No, Logan, that's not what we were doing!"  Roman yelled, as the intellectual trait sighed and continued trying to pull the father out of the room.

"Logaaaan!  I just wanted to see how it went!"  Patton complained, being slowly pulled out of the room by his leg.

Roman felt the boy above him shaking, and looked up, prepared to see him crying or having a panic attack.

Instead, Virgil was laughing, 

Not just a little chuckle or a snicker, he was fully laughing.

It immediately caught the other two's attention, as he held onto Roman and laughed at their antics.

Patton broke into a fit of giggles as well, sitting up.

Logan smiled, rolling his eyes and holding his hands out to the fatherly side to pull him up.

Roman snickered as well, holding on to the laughing boy in his arms.

They all shared a peaceful moment in the room filled with laughter,

"Lo! Catch me!"  Patton giggled, jumping at Logan.

Logan reluctantly opened his arms to let him fall into his chest.  Patton fell with his back to Logan's chest, and turned his head to kiss the smarter side on the cheek. 

The tie-wearing trait looked shocked, but then relaxed his face and kissed Patton's temple (the area near the forehead to either side of the face). 

Patton giggled and leaned back in his arms, watching the other two still sitting on the bed.

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