Pt. 10 - Logan isn't dense like Roman.

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Once Patton had closed the door, he found Roman waiting for him.

"What is happening?  Is Virge okay?  Can I go see him?" He asked,  Patton having to hold the fanciful one from charging into the door. 

"Listen Roman  Virgil is.... uhm......" Patton said, lost for words.

Roman looked at the dad expectantly.

"He's...he's....". Patton stuttered, brain working overtime to think of a viable excuse.

"HE'S DYING!" Patton shouted, and yep, that was the wrong thing to say.

Roman wore a shocked look for a second, before shrieking, which caused Logan to walk into the hall. 

"Why is Roman screaming now?"  He asked, sipping a cup of coffee.

"VIRGIL IS DYING LOGAN WE HAVE TO HELP!" Roman screamed, which caused a look of concern on Logan's face. 

"Objectively, Virgil is fine.  We can't exactly die, Roman.  We would have to be forgotten by our host, which is an entire different conversation.  Anyways, Thomas certainly isn't forgetting his anxiety soon, so Virgil is not dying." Logan explained.


Logan sighed and pushed past Patton, who was trying to lean against the doorframe to block it. 

Logan entered the room, and closed and locked the door behind him, keeping a wailing Prince out.

He came up to the bed Virgil was on, the anxious one asleep. 

Logan inspected his a few minutes, and instantly came to the conclusion that,
A, he was indeed dying as Roman had exclaimed loudly, or,
B, Virgil was sick, although that wouldn't explain the blood he found when pulling up the blanket.

Logan pondered a bit, then realized what was happening.

Blood on the covers of the bed, being cared for by Patton, heating pad, crying...

Yeah, he wasn't as dense as Roman is.

Logan carefully shook Virgil awake, making sure not to startle him greatly.

Once he was awake, Logan sat with him, and didn't say anything.

The two sat in silence, not saying anything, but not hiding anything either.

Eventually, Logan whispered something, so quiet Virgil couldn't hear it.

"What?" Virgil asked nervously.

"I said you're bleeding through.  I'll go get you a pad and a change of clothes, and I will as well walk the sheets.  In the meantime, you will temporarily relocate to my own room, where Roman will not be permitted to enter.  Is that alright?"  Logan's smart attitude towards everything shining through.

Although Logan wasn't very well with emotions, the sentiment was there, as Virgil could tell he was trying to keep his composure as well as give him comfort.

"Yeah Lo.  Thank you."  He said, approving of the plan.

Logan smiled, and gave Virgil his hand to help him stand.  He rummaged through Patton's room and found an old pair of pants as well as new boxers.  He handed them to Virgil, and went out to buy some pads from the store, when Virgil confessed he didn't have any.

When he got back, Virgil changed and put a pad in/on (author has no clue if you put a pad in or on.), and was brought to Logan's room.  He laid down, and fell asleep while Logan was running about cleaning his clothes and sheets.

Meanwhile, Patton had roped Roman in with a Disney movie, and was sitting with him watching Sleeping Beauty, only wanting to get back to Virgil.

When everything had been washed, Logan had went to wake Virgil and put him back in Patton's room, but hadn't had the heart to wake Virgil a second time, and instead left him to sleep.

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