Chapter 04

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Inside the apartment, I lean against the door and think about what happened outside. Everything Veron said to me seemed honest. 

I can't believe the way he said why he loved me. It was all I've ever wanted to hear. What girl doesn't want to hear a guy say that he love you for the little things you do? To know that someone was giving you attention, enough to notice these things about you sounds really flattering.

But more than that, Veron asked me out for dinner. I never thought this day would come. When you spend so many years thinking that it was you with him instead of the other girl, you imagine about these kinds of things to happen. But that doesn't mean I was expecting this. Hell! This is unbelievable. 

I know this is going a little too fast but that wasn't an enough reason for me to decline the offer. So, I said yes!

I can't believe I'm going on a date with him. I know it's only dinner but still. I can't believe this is happening. I mean, nothing I ever wanted to happen happened in my life. So why this is happening all of a sudden, I will never know.

I'm not sure if my crush for him will stay as a crush or if it will become more than that. 

I remember how desperate he sounded asking me to give him a chance. I really feel sorry about Ronica. More than that, guilt. At the fact that I'm going on a date with Veron knowing full well how much Ronica loves him. 

But if he loves me instead of her, I can't really help that right?

I don't know low long I stayed like that but after awhile, I decided to take a shower and cereal, my usual night time routine. I feel like I'm in a dream. I am so excited about this. I can't even remember doing anything with my mind being full of Veron. It's like someone is controlling all of my actions while I'm living in a another state entirely. 

So when I ended up in my sweats, eating cereal and going through Veron's fb page, I wasn't much surprised. I know, I do this basically everyday but something about today makes it all different, special.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know is that, I was woken up by sunlight shinning brightly right at my face.

I get ready to go to work with so much energy. I feel happy with everything. 

I almost call Chelsea and Umiko to tell them about this but I decided against it. I don't want to be too excited about this. Who knows how tonight would go? It could be good or bad. So, I'll tell them after tonight depending on how it is.

I nearly danced on my way to work. Honestly, if someone looks at me close enough, they'll notice me skipping as I walk.

I don't think I've been this happy in the last 3 years.

There are so many customers today. So with work, I forget all about tonight and all that excitement. Soon enough, I'm starting to sweat and get dirty. 

After lunch hour, customers come at a normal pace and everyone was glad about that.  I asked Mr. Travor if I could go early today, maybe at around 6 and he looked at me with concern.

"Lately, you have been too distracted from work. I don't know if you are having trouble but I'm getting worried about you." I smile at him and say that it's all fine. He gives me permission but I can see him shaking his head muttering something worriedly. I chose to ignore that.

So after my work's done, I run home to get ready. I have about a hour before Veron said he will come to pick me up.

I had a quick shower and then dried my hair using a towel. I let it air dry a little and started on makeup. It's not like I have many makeup items Just mascara, lipstick and face powder. I did a little touch with those and went to pick an outfit. There's actually not much to chose from but I take out all of my clothes. Picking up the denim, I look for the magenta blouse I would normally wear for a special occasion. I didn't wear that in a long time that I'm slightly worried whether it will fit me or not. But seeing how thin I have gotten, I don't think it won't be an issue. I throw the clothes that I won't need today out of the pile and onto the floor and finally, I found that blouse tangled up with a bunch of clothes. Trying it on, it's actually a little big and with the denim i look older.

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