Chapter 22

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The entire time I was showering and getting dressed to go on the apartment search, I was thinking about last night. How I told him what I kept hidden for 6 years without telling a single soul. I feel a little light now. Like my heart isn't heavy anymore.I didn't even know I was carrying that around with me in my heart all this time. 

I don't know what made me trust Seth so quickly. I mean, after what happened with Veron, I never thought I would be able to trust someone like this. It hasn't even been that long. It seems that Seth actually cares about me. He is different than Veron. More down to earth, more caring and more like me. We aren't that different. We don't have a huge money difference between us and we aren't awkward with each other. Somehow, we fit. 

So, I don't even understand how fast I'm actually getting closer to Seth.

I haven't called Chelsea or Umiko in a long time, I know they are busy with college stuff and I don't really have the heart to bother them with my boring life things. I'll call them some other day. 

After getting dressed, I lock the door to my place really tightly and go apartment hunting. Man! This is the first time I came out this late in the morning from my place in a very long time. Going to work any other day I would have to go catch the subway at around 5 so I always leave when it's still dark outside.

I take the subway and go to a few places that are available, closer to work. 3 of the places I went to are in bad neighborhoods. Meaning like, there are drunk people around every corner smoking cigarettes and there are talk about drug dealings going on. 2 of the places are a little far from work towards the town area so they are a bit pricey. There's only one that I actually liked. 

That place is smaller than my current apartment. It's living room comes with a tiny kitchen. Next to the living to there's like 10 step to go up to the place where a bed is kept. Furniture actually comes with this apartment. So here, I get a double bed with a dresser, a small closet, a sofa, and a small TV. There's a small balcony from the living room with the fire escape and a small place that I can sit on. The view is a part of the Seattle. It's pretty. Even if the lights are switched off inside, there's street lights coming in, so it looks like I have the lights on all the time. This place looks cozy. The landlord told me that there are extra light strings and cushions on the basement  that I can take any as much as I want, free of charge. I like the land lady as well. She might be in the mid 50's and she is very sweet. The rent is the same as the one I'm in now, So I guess this is the place for me to get. I know it's smaller but its cozy and I like that. 

So I sign and get done with all the paperwork. Now I just have to move in.  It's actually time to go meet Seth. I can't wait to see him. I miss him actually. 

I walk from that apartment to Green Globe and it's only 20 mins. Almost like the distant between my old apartment and Martine's. 

I walk up to the restaurant. Even from a far, I saw the leaning finger in the same spot as where Seth was when he came running out the other night. As I get closer, I notice that he is wearing just jeans and a T-shirt. I have never seen him wear casual before. He looks different but it's a sexy kind of difference. 

I keep on staring at him as I get closer. He looks up as if he sensed my stare and smile that gorgeous smile, that just melts my heart. He starts to come towards me. 

He looks me up and down as we get closer. "You look cute."

I look down at myself. I'm wearing jeans and a blue blouse. It's not much cute but more like careless. 

"Hi" I say in greeting. 


"Have you been here for long?"

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