Chapter 25

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I wake up with a lot of energy today. I'm really excited to see my dad but more than that, I really wanna hang out with Seth. I don't dwell on things too much cause then I would imagine how things would go. I'd be disappointed when something changes from what I imagined and that will ruin everything for me. So, I'll just live one moment at a time. 

I get ready to go to Seth's place. I chose out comfortable clothes cause well.. We are just going to hang out so why do I have to dress up? I mean, I know normally the girl would want to dress  pretty to go to the guy's house. But in our case, it's just Seth there. He already loves me. If he can love me when I'm wearing nice clothes then he can love me when I'm wearing my sweats. 

I put everything in the bag and get ready to go out.

When Seth comes, I notice that he is wearing sweats as well. 

"Hey, gorgeous. Ready to go?" 

I get in the car putting my bag in the back seat and give a peck on his lips. "Yup"

He looks down at what I'm wearing. It's actually making me feel a little embarrassed. Maybe he doesn't like what I'm wearing? Maybe he was expecting more than just sweats? Maybe I just ruined the entire day for us? I get nervous waiting for him to comment. Say something. 

"I'm glad your wearing comfy clothes." He smiles. I release my breath I didn't even know I was holding. "I don't want you to feel like you are going to a strangers house. It's my place and I want you to feel like home there."

I smile. I'm really happy he understood. I lean in closer and kiss him full on the lips. 

He break the kiss and he tilts his head to the side smirking. "Plus, you look really good in them."

I laugh and he joins me. Then we settle down in our seats and drive off. Like every other time, We turn on the radio and sing along to the songs. It's always fun to do that. 

 Seth pulls to the parking lot of a really tall building that I can't even look at the top of it cause of the sun. His apartment is on the 12th flour.  It's pretty high. So when we were walking in the hallway, I look out of every window we pass to catch the sight of the view.

Seth notices me looking. He smiles but says nothing. 

When we reach his apartment, he opens the door and move away for me to enter. 

As soon as I go inside, Binnie, the golden retriever comes towards us with it's tongue hanging out, excitedly. I moved back a little, scared that he might jump on me but he just comes and sits down right in front of me. I lean forwards and stroke his head and he literally smiles!

Seth chuckles. "He really liked you." 

I look at Seth and smile. Looking back at the dog, I move down and hug him. "Hi Binnie." 

Binnie just licks my face and we laugh as I get him to stop. 

 I stand up and I see the couch filled with so many pillows. I stare at how cozy it looks when Seth closes the door and stands next to me. 

"I made it a little better. Hope you like it." I love it! He knows I love pillows. 

I nod. He grab my hand in his and give mine a little squeeze. 

"Want coffee?" He looks towards the kitchen and I follow his gaze. It's a small area with the stove and the cabinets with the counter in front of it. I look around to see that the living room is so homey. I didn't notice all these before cause I was looking at the pillows on the couch. There's a window in the far corner of the room taking up the entire wall. The view looks really breathtaking. 

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