Chapter 30

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Leaving Hope had been one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. She was one of the best things that happened in my life and I went and ruined it for both of us. She was the one thing that kept me sane, gave me a purpose. 

When I called Hope for an interview, I never thought she would mean this much to me. That that girl would be the love of my life. When I saw her for the first time outside my office, I thought that was a little girl coming to find her mommy who she lost. 

Talking to her, I saw that she was different, that she was special and even so, I never knew she was incredible. When Mr. James said he is going to hire Hope, I don't think anyone has been that happy over that. I asked Mr. James to give Hope for me to train. I asked him to put her under my area, to put her into the cashier so she could work with Jacob and I could see her whenever I want. 

We normally take the newbies out after like a week of them working but I just couldn't wait that long to get to know Hope outside of work, so I made everyone go on that first day. 

I was really heart broken and embarrassed when Hope pulled away from kissing me. I mean, I forced everyone to come that night on such short notice. Some even had to cancel plans. So when that happened, I know what everyone else might have thought of me.  

But I know now that Hope had a very good reason to do so. 

I could really kill that bastard Veron. He broke Hope. Well... I hate myself too considering I broke her heart. 

I know she got hurt so many times. Her childhood had been really sad. Hearing how much she had gone through, I swore to her that I would never hurt her, that I would never let anyone hurt her as well. Heck, I was mad at her father even cause I was scared he would disappoint her and hurt her again. I never thought I would be the one to break her. I never thought I would have to see Hope leave my life. 

When she was leaving, I wanted to tell her I love her too. But I'm leaving soon. How can I say "I love her, no matter what" when I'm going to leave her. I do love her but I don't think saying that would make me look any better. 

I couldn't bear looking at Binnie anymore without thinking of Hope. At first, I thought I would leave her with Drew. But then, I wanted Hope to have her. It was the least I could do. Hope really loved Binnie since the first time they met, even Bin loved her. I guess Binnie would be with Hope even if I can't. Oh! How much I want to be that dog right now. Lucky dog.

When I got the acceptance letter, I couldn't believe it. I was excited about it that I called my sister immediately. I thought of Hope and I was actually reluctant to accept it cause of her. My sister may have senses my hesitation that she asked me what's wrong with curiosity. When I told her about Hope and how I can't leave her, my sister screamed at me like I just said I would kill her. 

"What!!??" She screams and go on. "Are you telling me that you're thinking of rejecting this amazing opportunity because of a girl? Are you kidding me? What about your dream? What about all the things I've done to get you this position here? I had to pull so many strings to get this for you! Do not quit on this, young man! or I will come down there and give this girl a speech!" 

I chuckled despite everything and that just angered her more. 

"I'm being serious!" She screams even more loudly.

I stopped laughing an got all serious again. "I love her, Jane. I can't leave her." I said it matter-of-factly to which she scoffed, sarcastically. 

"Yea, so? You loved Aria and look what happened then." Of course Jane had to mention Aria. 

"I was young at that time and Aria had been my first girlfriend." I know it's not a good argument point but it's kinda all I have. "Of course anyone would wanna be with her if they were me. I thought I was in love with her. But it was more like I was in love with the idea of being with someone." 

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