Chapter 29 Imperial Journey to the Far East and a Peace Conference

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Third POV:

The Romanov Family and the Imperial Court excluding Grand Duchess Xenia and Grand Duchess Maria and their families is getting on the train to start their journey that would last six days with stops Moscow, Perm, and Yekaterinburg and other cities.

Anastasia POV:

We was all sitting in our private living area on the train waiting to depart and start our Imperial tour. Normally royal children like Alexander, Peter, and Catherine would go on a country wide tour when they are ten, but due to the war it was unsafe to travel in fear of Nazi bombers getting through the defenses. I have not done this yet either along with Alexei because of the revolution ruining the chance too. We would meet and greet our subjects at train stations and be on our way.

Third POV:

The Royals train enter Yekaterinburg and there was people yelling  "death to the Romanov's", and burning the Imperial flag. Anastasia and her family looked out the window watching as they leave the city.

The train enters the port city of Vladivostok and was greeted by the governor Anton Ludenov and his family.

??? POV:

My father is currently greeting the Imperial Family and I see the Tsarevich and he look cute and we locked eyes, so I hid my face behind my fan to cover my blush. "Your Majesties, Your Highnesses may I present my children Count Adrien Antronvich Ludenov and Countess Arina Antronvna Ludenov", "Nice to meet you" , said the Dowager Empress Alexandra.

Me and Adrien was sitting in the garden talking when he says, "So you have a crush on the Tsarevich?", I blush, "Knew it, you have no chance with him because he may picked someone above our rank like a Grand Duchess or Duchess", I was about to respond when sweet voice responded for me, "If what I'm feeling and seeing too you and my brother have mutual feeling for one another, so he would not care about status", we turn to see 15th year old Grand Duchess Catherine Romanov being escorted by Duke Nikita. "Our mother married our father and when he was a child he was a kitchen boy and my boyfriend Nikita was a nameless nobody living off the streets in Petersburg when he was nine became our companion and my best friend", while she was speaking, she fumbling with a necklace, "Your Highness, who gave you that necklace?", "My brother Alexander did and it's a key for a custom made music box", she pulls out a music box from her purse and turned the key and statues of her and the Tsarevich comes up with a melody, "On the Wind; Cross the Sea; Hear this Song and Remember, Soon you'll be Home with me; Once Upon a December", "Your Highness that was beautiful singing", "Thank You as she excused herself".

Catherine POV:

I find Mother and Father speaking to the Governor," Mother, Father, Governor; I believe that Arina and Alexander have mutual love for each other and that they should court", they nods and summons Alex and Arina  to the room. The soon to be couple walks in and sat down.

Arina POV:

I was summon with Alexander to the Empress and father, I responded with, "Your Majesties and Father you summoned us", "We came to a decision that you should both are betrothed to each other", we both blush, "Arina, my daughter I believed you should move to the capital and live with royals and your soon to be husband and prepare to take on the job of Tsarevna and we couldn't have made this decision without Grand Duchess Catherine help", I sees Catherine sitting in the corner reading and smiling. "Cathy, it was your idea?", "Alex you cannot hide your feelings from me and I want you be happy", I leave to pack my belongings.

Alexander POV:

We was getting back on the train with Arina, "You will like Petersburg Arina", I put my arm around her shoulders and I see Nana smiling at us.

Dowager Empress Alexandra POV:

I look at the young couple reminding myself of me and Nicky.

Third POV:

The Empress, Prime Minister, Tsarevich and his betrothed is taken to the throne room of the palace to begin a security council meeting.

"The Allies has demanded we end our occupation of East Germany and Berlin", says the Minister of Foreign Relations, "The occupation of East Germany is important to safeguard a act of German aggression to Russia or Commonwealth soil", argues the Minister of Defense; "There should be terms that say that Germany must completely demilitarized before East Germany could go back to German Republic control, so our troops could go home and be payed reparations to their service", argues newly christened Princess Arina Ludenov; "We agree with Her Grace, because this occupation is costly", says the Minister of Finance. The Russian Security Council voted in favor of German Demilitarization completely.

The Minister of Foreign Relations head back to the Winter Palace to tell the Allies ambassadors the news. "Ambassadors, the council has decided Germany must demilitarized before given back East Germany and pay war reparations to pay for damages caused by the war", "We don't have to!", argues the German Ambassador, "Yes you do because you attacked Poland a dominion to Russia and given Joseph Stalin an army to march through Denmark, Sweden and Finland to attack this very city in 1940 and the first countries was neutral at that point of the war  and relatives to the Romanov Family", "We accept those terms", responds the German Ambassador and the other Allies Ambassadors nod their heads in approval.

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