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I decide to wait until Jay comes back from practice which won't be long. Telling Jay my feelings will be easier right now as Carlos is out with dude.So I get ready into my nightwear  which is shorts and a tee. Jay walks into the room and asks were Carlos was so I tell him he went out with dude. I then ask him to sit down so he did.

Ja-"So what do you want"
J-"Well I need to tell you something"
Ja-"what is it"
J-"Well I kinda like you and please don't be mad with me"
Ja-"Mad with you. Why would I be mad with you when I feel the same way to."
J-"what you like me"
J-"Jay I have a question will you go out with me"
Ja-"YES I will go out with you"

After this we decide to go find the girls to tell them the news. We get into their room and I hear Evie shout"So javil is now a thing.'' We both state yes and we go and sit down on Evie's bed.I then ask evie to help me with a outfit design I had in mind.

javil(jayxoc)Where stories live. Discover now