Birthday Boy

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Jay's pov

Me, Mal, Evie, Carlos and Ben decide to throw Jake a party for his birthday as he didn't celebrate it while we were on the Isle. We start to plan when my phone starts ringing. I answer it and it's Jake he asks me if we can hangout today so I said yes. I then go back in the room and tell the others that I'm hanging out with Jake to keep him busy but because I love him so much as well.

I leave and meet Jake in the cafeteria. We then go to the tourney field where I see Chad so I get Jake and walk faster. I ask Jake if he wants to go the beach. He says yes so he grab my hand and start running when I hear the fairy godmother asking where I was going so I told her everything. She said that it's okay just go ahead.

We then get to the beach when my phone rings and its Carlos. I answer it and he tells me everything is ready. I grab Jake and take him back to the dorm. When we get to the dorm I cover his eyes.

We walk in and he screams because this is what he imagined his 16th birthday party to look like while he was on the Isle. He walks over to Mal, Carlos and Evie where he thanks them. He then walks over to me and presses his lips with mine. We stand there for 1 minute when mal tells us to stop so we do.

Jake then hears Bills, Bills, Bills by destiny's child. So he runs onto the dance floor where he starts dancing making a fool of himself although it's cute. We all then join him so he wasn't alone. After this we eat, talk and dance more. Jake sees the karaoke and he runs up to it and starts singing Ariana grande 'everyday'. I start cheering him on then everyone else joins in.

After 2 hours of fun everyone leaves so  I grab Jake and lie in bed with him as we were both tired. We lie there when he sits up and starts trying  to make out with me. I decide to get him out of his trouble and give in.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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