Movie Day Part 2

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Ja-Jay, C- Carlos, J-Jake, M-Mal, E-Evie

M-"Let's play a game of truth or dare"
J-"I'll go first"
M-"Okay Truth or dare"
M-"If you had to make out with a boy at school, who would it be?"
J-"That's easy Jay"

I then walk over to Jay and start to make out with him when Mal groans in disgust.

M-"You didn't have to make out with Jay in front of us all"
J-"Sorry Mal"
Ja-"Okay I'll go next"
J-"Truth or dare"
J-"I dare you to . Seduce a member of the same gender in the group"

Jay looks at everyone and evie signals at me and he starts crawling over to me and I start blushing. I took him a whole 30 seconds before I was seduced by him.

javil(jayxoc)Where stories live. Discover now