Time To Shine

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Pau, Pat and Me stood in front of Tord's desk where he sat with his legs rested on his desk a cigar dangling from in between his lips. A cigar feasted in my right hand as I took long drags of it while listening to the main leader. "Good news boys, I've got some missions for the three of you. Pau, Pat I need you two to fly me at Tom to the grey base. I've got some unfinished business to attend to, Thomas, I'll be needed your sniper skills to take out the Grey Army Leader and his family. I'll be in the base at the time, and I'll be causing a distraction. So, collect your things, we're leaving in half an hour."

The three of us saluted muttering 'Yes sir'. We all turned to leave but as I got to the door I felt Tord's metal hand on my shoulder causing me to turn back to him. I closed the door behind me looking up to the brunette's eyes. Our faces only a few inches away, Tord closed the gap between us, our lips moving in sync as we smiled onto the kiss. He pulled away resting his forehead on mine as I looked into his only visible eye. "Jeg elsker deg min søta engel." I felt my cheeks heat up as I smiled. "I love you too, Tord."

Our lips pressed against one another's once more his tongue sliding into my mouth without warning as the taste of tobacco and the slight taste of coffee filled my senses. Our left hands entwined as we kissed, our other hands held our cigars keeping them away from the two of us. "I'll help you gather your things, Solskinn~" I shyly smiled and nodded in response as we walked into our shared bedroom. I sat on the bed running my hand through my messy, spiked hair. I watched the taller Male gently take down a photo of me and him in our work uniforms. He placed it on the bed beside me as he started turning the dial to the safe in the wall.

It clicked open as he pulled out a black and blue briefcase and opened it. A florescent blue light lit up the case as he took out a handmade, futuristic gun and placed it in my hands. This was my gun, I used this on pretty much every mission, I kept it on me even if I didn't need it. Humming song lyrics to myself I turned the case to me slightly and pulled out some ammo. I cocked the gun reloading it with more ammunition, I put the gun down on the bed making sure to put the safety lock on.

Standing up I stretched my back earning a few cracks. Continuing to hum to myself I opened my wardrobe pulling out the army's overcoat and neatly placed it on the bed beside my gun. "What song are you singing, søta~?" I chuckled slightly replying almost instantly. "In love with a killer~" Tord chuckled at that kissing my cheek as I smiled he sat on the bed as I pulled off my long sleeved shirt keeping it on my arms to show off my bare chest as I walked back over to my wardrobe. "Changing shirt?" I hummed in agreement pulling out a long sleeved grey dress shirt. "I don't get why you wear long sleeves, even when it's summer."

I rolled my 'eyes' changing into the grey shirt making sure that my lover didn't see my arms. "Because I get cold easily, plus it's always freezing in the base." Tord grumbled to himself probably not believing me. He stood up and walked over to me gently buttoning up my shirt. "Are you sure that's the reason?" I shrugged nodding as he wrapped my tie around my neck and started tying it making sure to tuck it under my collar. "Yes I'm su-" "I saw your arms Tom, why do you cut?" I froze my body refusing to move as I looked down at Tord's chest. "I just- I have nightmares, nearly every night. I can see, feel and hear every little thing! I've watched my dad die on repeat over and over, I just-" The taller Male's arms wrapped around me hugging me closely as he whispered reassuring things in my ear.

"I'm here Solskinn, I'm here." I nodded into his chest as he picked me up, my legs almost instantly wrapped around his waist as he sat me on the end of the bed. He crouched down to look into my eyes at the same height. "Is it the same for your mum too?" I weakly nodded, his lips pecking my cheek as he sighed. "How about after your mission we can all return back here and we can cuddle for as long as you like. Deal?" I smiled nodding. "Now that's what I like to see, Tommy." I chuckled as he smiled widely.

He grabbed the utility belt from inside the case and wrapped it around my right shoulder down to the left side of my waist. I sighed filling up the small pockets with ammo for my gun and pulled on my overcoat before placing my gun in the pocket. "You okay Solskinn?" I hummed taking his hand and entwined it with mine as we walked out of our room and into the long hallways. Our footsteps echoed throughout the hallway as our cigars hung from inbetween our lips. Small clouds of smoke filled the air behind us as we walked causing me to smile as we finally came across the metal door to the aircraft's.

Tord took out a silver keycard swiping it as the doors opened allowing us access. We walked in Pat and Pau waiting, the feo men saluted as they noticed our entry as we nodded I approval. They dropped their arms walking into the closest aircraft, a big blood red symbol on each side of it to resemble the Red Army. We all took our seats as the aircraft started up before making it's way outside the building. My digital eyes must've showed the ERROR symbol because Tord entwined his fingers with mine.

"It's okay, Solskinn I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."

Autophobia- TomTord/CrisisAUWhere stories live. Discover now