Casual Day For The Leader's

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Matt and Edd are in the infirmary, Matt of course is making sure to be in stable condition while the scientists are working on some robotic devices to replace his lost eye and his chin. Tord of course stayed up all night working on the designs and the extra abilities as he knew Matt wouldn't just want a metal plate covering his 'precious' chin. Edd is just having some check-ups making sure everythings all fine.

I hummed to myself walking further into the room, I was originally stood in the corner watching everything happen. Matt and Edd had sharing rooms from requests from the two and me and Tord. The medical soldier turned to me, a sort of uncomfortable facial expression. "Well?" My voice was cold and fustrated, my lack of sleep was obviously rubbing off on me. "I- Blue Leader, Matt seems to be losing a lot of blood due to his injuries so I came managed to patch him up." I hummed in response, I watched her do that. "State something that isn't too obvious, Soldier." The male nodded pursing his lips as he looked over to Edd.

"Edd just seems to be malnourished, well they both do. I-" I rolled my digital eyes. "No shit, Soldier. They were outside fending for themselves before they got kidnapped by the Grey Army. So obviously they are malnourished." I took out my walkie talkie ordering one of the cooks to bring food over to the infirmary bay. I placed my walkie talkie back into my overcoat pocket looking up to the three men. Matt had managed to fall asleep a few minutes ago as Edd lied on the bed beside Matt's. Their hands entwined as Edd looked over to the injured ginger.

I placed a hand on Edd's shoulder causing him to avert his gaze up to me. "He's going to be okay, I promise you. Me and Tord will make sure of it." Edd sighed looking back to Matt. "Tell me one thing, Tom." I hummed not moving my hand as his eyes met mine. "Has he really changed?" I nodded, my mind blank as I replied. "Yes, yes he has. I can tell you he still has a temper to him, but he really has changed. I'll make sure to protect you guys more then anything you can count on that."

I gave him a small smile before retreating my arm back to my back entwining it with my other. "Thank you Tom, but can you please at least tell me what happened to you." I pursed my lips before nodding as I stood up straight. "Soldier, you may have a 20 minute break. If Tord sees you inform him it was my orders, that's all Soldier." The boy nodded bowing his head. "Thank you, Blue Leader." He scrambled out of the room closing the door quietly behind him. "So, Blue Leader, huh?" Edd cracked a small smile.

"You could say that, yes. Anyway, I guess I should tell you what happened." I signalled to the visor's on my face as Edd nodded weakly. "Please do." I sighed helping the brunette to sit up, his back still slightly leaning on the wall behind him. "Well, once the war started I joined the Red Army, I forgive Tord. Of course, heh... Anyway, it gave me quite a while to do that, but anyway. I forgave the Red Leader and he offered me the title of the Blue Leader. I'm the second leader of this base, and if anyone doesn't listen to my orders I punish them. Not like Tord of course, but yeah.. Anyway, one day I was in the training room like every other day pretty much, and I was fighting one of the upper class soldiers."

I pursed my lips gaining my composure for a second before continuing. "As in was saying, I was fighting one of the soldiers. He managed to get a double shot shooting both of my... um, eyes? I- I become blind as you could say. Tord found out almost immediately and killed the soldier taht hurt me. I was brought to the infirmary for about two three weeks? Not too long and not too short of a time, Tord managed to design these visors for me. He attached them to my face and now I can see again, I'd rather not inform you on how he managed to do that. But, yeah.. That's how I turned into this."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that.." I shrugged my gaze wandering over to Matt. "It's fine. I got over it a long time ago, you and Matt are in Good hands." I looked back down to Edd as he smiled holding out his spare hand to mine as I took it gently rubbed the top of it. "I promise you, and if anyone hurts you I will not hesitate to harm them." Edd weakly chuckled nodding. "Thank you.." He looked back over to Matt sighing. "I tried my best to heal him.." I pursed my lips sighing. "You tried your best Edd, he's in good hands. He'll be up and about in a week or two, if not I'll have a word with Tord or the soldiers."

He looked back at me smiling. "When did you become so caring?" I rolled my digital eyes playfully. "I'm always caring I just don't show it all the time." A knock at the infirmary door caused my to let go of Edds hand. I made my way over to the door pressing my hand on the scanner then scanned my eye on he retina scanner. The door opened as the chef from earlier ran in. His hands holding two tray fulls of food he bowed his head to me and he walked past. "Thank you, Blue Leader." He placed the trays down on the two tables pushing one closer to Edd as the brunette smiled thanking him.

The soldier ran out after saluting which I obviously returned. "Need help, or can you do it?" Edd shakily held the cutlery trying his best to feed himself. "I- I can.. I can do it.." I sighed taking the fork from his hands and sat on the side of the medical bed feeding the Male.

"I'm always here for you guys, don't forget that."

Autophobia- TomTord/CrisisAUWhere stories live. Discover now