I Want You To Save Me

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Another draft..
Why the hell did I used to write in first person..? Anyway, here I guess have this:


Tord was in his office, the room nextdoor to our shared bedroom. He was focused on creating the correct design's for Matt's robotic counterparts to hide his damaged face. I, myself, was lied on our bed.

My body lightly shaking, my breathing unsteady as silent tears ran down my cheeks from beneath my visor. I don't know why but I wanted to scream, cry, drink away my feelings and disappear all in one go.

I felt pathetic, my tears silent as I pushed myself up from lying down and pulled my knees up to my chest. My face hidden in the large shirt Tord gave me to sleep in. It smelled just like him, cigars and a slight hint of lemon.

The smell filled my senses as I quietly cried letting out a few sobs now and again. My uncontrollable shaking was increasing my throat burning from the lack of air I was getting as I grasped my neck. It burned, i needed Tord more then anything. He's the only one that knows how to help me when i have panic attacks.

I whimpered as I struggled to breath, my body shaking even more as i held out one of my hands to my beside table grabbing anything I could throw at the door.

My hand shook and I finally grasped onto the alarm clock. I grabbed it with as much strength as I could pulling it out of the socket as I attempted to throw it at the door.

My throw managing to hit the door weakly, but loud enough to alarm someone. My shaking body lay on the bed, my chest against the sheets as I struggled to breath. The door opened with a second as Tord rushed in noticing my panicked state.

He picked me up without a second thought, he held me bridal style as he sat on the bed me in his grasp.

"Shh, shh. Min kjære, I'm here. Nothing is going to happen to you, can you look at me?" I forced my gaze to meet with his my body still shaking as his grey and red eye met my digital ones. "Okay, listen to me søta."

I weakly nodded my body practically failing to listen to my commands. "Take a deep breath in through your nose, and out through your mouth."

I tried my best to follow his commands but I just started to panic more. His eyes changed to show instant worry, he helped me sit up as I started to cough. My body shaking as he ran a hand through my hair, the other rubbing soothing circles on my back.

"It's okay min engel, I'm here."

My eyes started to slowly flutter shut, my body shutting down as I slipped out of consciousness.


My eyes opened quickly. I scanned the room looking around for life source, my gaze finally noticed my lover beside me. His arm draped over my chest as his legs tangled with mine.

A soft tear ran down my cheek as I gently rubbed it away my eyes looking up to Tord's face. I didn't want to leave, I didn't want to move. This meant so much to me, but I knew I had to check on Matt and Edd.

I sighed slipping out of my lover's grasp changing into my outfit for the day: A long sleeved black dress shirt, black dress pants and course my shoes and tie. I took a quick shower and then changed into my outfit for the day and then pulled on my blue overcoat, just for the sake of it..

The base was cold today, like more then usual so this would help. I made my way down the hallway, my shoes clicking against the floor as I did so. The soldiers that were awake saluted at my presence as we passed going separate ways..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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