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brendon gently turns the handle, opening the doors.

"ladies first.", he says with a wink, making ryanne giggle and smile.

she nods as a 'thanks' and walks through with the prince following behind.

"my family calls this part of the castle 'the garden of roses'.", brendon states as he quietly closes the door. ryanne looks around with an astounding look on her face.

"it's so beautiful out here bren'.", ryanne compliments, bending down to the height of the rose bush. brendon smiles to himself, bending down as he plucks a red rose. hazel eyes meet chocolate eyes as brendon placed the flower into her hair.

"there. consider it as a gift."

"thank you.", she says. "i appreciate it."

they get up, brendon takes her hand as they walk to the middle of the garden. what surrounded the two were bushes and bushes of white and red roses.

he gazes upon her eyes, smiling at the young woman. the rhythm of their bodies that dances slowly with the faint elegant music was passionate. he twirls her around, dipping her as he'd lean forward closer to her. staring at the beauty before him, his breathing became shallow and his heart had suddenly felt heavy inside his chest.

"you're a really good dancer.", brendon compliments, pulling himself back together as he twirls the brunette around then brings her into his arms.

"you're not so bad yourself.", she replies with a smirk, continuing to follow his lead.

"it's surprising.. i feel as if i've known you all my life.", he says, releasing her hands. he takes a seat on the bench, gesturing ryanne to join him.

she spins, causing the prince to smile then sat next to him. the raven puts an arm around the brunette's shoulder as she nuzzles into his shoulder.

"you remind me of a former love.", brendon mumbles. "you and him. you guys look like alike. have the same smile that makes my heart melt.. hell, that laugh brings back so many memories.."

"but i'm not him. i'm sorry.", was all that she manages to choke out, she glances over at the clock then back to him with a false smile.

"don't apologize ry', there's no need to.", his idiotic grin then fades, catching her eyes tear away as if she were distracted. ryanne seems anxious and brendon didn't like it, it made him feel anxious and worried as well. "is something the matter? you seem quite off."

"i-i'm fine brendon.", ryanne stammers, urgently standing up. she looks upwards to the clock. brendon copies her action, wondering what was so distracting about the big old time clock. "right now, i just want to enjoy this moment and the time i have with you."

"i couldn't agree more.", his eyes soften and faces her. "would you care for another dance?", he offers.

what else would they do?

"th-that would be wonderful.", she stutters quietly.

brendon holds a hand out as he puts a hand to her waist, ryanne takes his hand and intertwines it with hers. she wraps her arm around his neck, her fist clutches tightly.

in the ashes, the glass slippers are ruddily melting and merging. ryanne dances through the slope in brendon's grip. he holds her tight, desperately clinging onto her. he pulls the brunette back into his chest, she glances at the clock as tears began to swell.

knowing it was too late, ryanne gets shivers and wishes to go back in time. the tips of the prince's fingers trail up and reaches for her neck, he brushes away the tear and gives it a kiss.

"thrust the edge you hold and take away everything.", the voice repeats and echoes in ryanne's mind.

"please don't let the bells ring.. i don't want this night to ever end!", she pleads, the raven pulls away from her neck and gazes into her eyes.

"ryanne, please listens to me.", brendon whispers, keeping his hand on her cheek. tears continue to stream down like a northern downpour. the brunette rapidly blinks back her tears, causing them to fall even faster. "everything is going to be alright. you're here with me. i promise that i would keep you safe since day one."

"s-since day one?", ryanne repeats hesitantly. her face collides into the prince's jacket, staining it with teardrops. she brings her arms down and close to her chest, brendon embraces her into his arms, giving her a hug of support and love. "s-so.. y-you know.. you found out.."

ryan ross had failed. he could feel the piercing glare of the lady from the ballroom, shooting daggers with her icy eyes as if he were the one that was going to perish.

"yes, i know. everything clicked last second. ever since day one, i loved you ryan.", he confesses, holding the brunette tight. "i love you and i will forever love you. no matter who you are or what you look like, please know that i'll always be here for you."

at that moment, an impulse runs down her spine. ryan falls to her knees, brendon kneels down to his height and looks at him.

"you're beautiful ryan. you didn't have to change to get my attention.", brendon assures.

"...", ryan stays quiet. "i had no other choice bren'.. i'm sorry."

"we can work this out! we can be happy together! flee the kingdom and live in some place normal.", brendon lists, his smile immediately fades as he sees ryan's face and stares into his eyes.

ryan stares back. brendon leans in as their faces were inches apart. as his lips touched his, there was a spark that ignites in their hearts. the intimate moment was passionate and short. the two tear away slowly, brendon gives him one last smile. they gaze into each other's eyes as sparks fly.

"i'm sorry brendon.. i don't want to say goodbye just yet but i have to...", ryan weeps.

"ryan..? you can't leave after i finally found you! please don't leave me!", brendon pleads, he holds the brunette's hands. his grip was tightening and ryanne knew that the prince was anxious. "it's.. it's been too long.. i missed you so much ry'.. i want to be with you.."

he was afraid to lose someone he loved.

"i know.. i love you too and we'll be together bren'. i won't leave you..", but her right-hand thrusts a "farewell".

at the knee, the brunette tears the dress and throws away the mask, the magic has come undone as he had done his part. everything has unraveled, ryan sobs in the shredded dress as he held brendon close.

still, his breath pierces the brunette's ears.

"i'm sorry! i'm sorry!", he sobs, clutching onto his body. "i love you. i love you brendon.."

the shouts, whimpers, and screams of the same three words echos in the moonlight sky. there was nothing ryan could do to bring back brendon urie as he was now dead.

burning in flames, the lonely souls feel drawn to each other.

the pure roses were now stained in a bloody red.

may the time stop now, intoxicated by the one ryan loves.

he wishes to engrave every swaying throb on his mind.

he was the princess with the indelible perfume of gunshot residue.

ryan couldn't move anymore as if it were a fairy tale.

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