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two gunshots were fired.

the guards were on duty and searching the premises, to see if they could find any signs of threat.

king urie saw this coming. the reason why he had made sure more guards were on patrol was because he had received word from one of his advisors, spencer smith, that there was going to be a planned murder.

a planned murder? but to kill whom exactly?

his son.

the prince.

the next-in-line-king.

brendon boyd urie.

the king was okay with each maiden that came in but once he saw brendon with that maiden in ivory, he knew that she was a threat.

for he had saw the weapon, the knife that was wrapped around her waist. his son was blinded by the maiden's beauty and he had tried to bring himself to tell him, only to fail and to be pushed away.

king urie couldn't bring himself to tell his own son that he was going to be killed and that was on his behalf.

thanks to his cowardness and foolery, brendon could be dead and it would be his fault.

the panic level rises as the guests begin to freak out. the guards tell the guests that they were secure and that they threat wasn't coming for them but the trembling chatter wouldn't stop.

"you're going to be okay!", spencer smith reassures the group of guests. "no one here will be hurt as long as we stay inside. the threat has been located to be outside so we are all safe for the time being."

king urie sure hoped that they were alright and safe.

queen urie was following behind some of the guards, seeing if she could find some clues as to where her beloved son went.

they search every spot of the castle, each balcony and hallway except for one.

the one place they least expected, the family garden.

the queen passes by that hallway, squinting her eyes as she makes out the prints of shoes on the carpet floor. he eyes widen and she shouts at the guards, they run after the trail of footsteps with the queen following behind.

the two glass doors.

the queen panics, she didn't have the keys on her and nor did her husband. the only person who had the keys at the moment was brendon.

"break down the door!", she exclaims.

"but your majesty, it'll take years to repair this door!", one of the guards tries to reason but the queen gestures a movement, telling him to zip it.

"are you disobeying your queen?! hat was an order! my son, the prince, might be in there!!", she retorts. her voice booms down the hall, she immediately clasps her hands on her mouth and sighs. "i apologize for my behaviour but please do break down the glass doors. what matters right now is knowing that my son is safe and well alive."

the guards exchange glances.

"you heard her majesty!! break down the doors!!", the head guard demands, the others strictly nod and there was the loud sounds of glass crashing like mirror shards.

they all charge in, holding up their weapons in defense before looking down at the blood drenched garden that had a dank odour coming out of it. they step aside, letting the queen through.

her majesty steps into the family garden, the bottom tips of her ballgown were now soaked in blood and she stares down in terror as realization hits her.

brendon boyd urie, her son, was holding a gun and bleeding as he was dead.

she runs over to him, kneeling down as she continues to stare at her son. tears begin to blur her vision, she quickly turns to see another male laying on the opposing side of the prince.

he was also holding a gun and looked extremely similar to the maiden brendon was with.

"your majesty?", one of the guards call out and she bursts into tears.

"he.. she.. whoever this person is killed my son!!", she roars, choking back her sobs.

a guard, known to be jon walker, kneels down and onto a knee, examining the rose vest male.

"he seems to have been shot as well, your majesty.", he reports, pointing to the wound in the other's heart. "it appears to be that your son shot this guest."

the queen's face was now emotionless, he eyes blank. she stumbles backwards and away from the murder scene.

"my son.. my brendon killed this male..? and he killed him..? impossible.. i don't believe it..", she pulls herself onto her feet, cradling back and forth in place as she walks and leans against the walls of the castle.

"your majesty, i understand that you're in denial but you have to accept this reality.", the head guard says and the female begins to breath heavily, now hyperventilating.

"no. brendon would never kill to be with a man he just met..! hell, he would never kill!!", the queen shrieks. the thumps of footsteps were heard in the distance, they were getting louder as they got closer to the crime scene.

"my love! what's the matter?!", the king cries and his eyes land on the two bodies. he freezes, now in complete shock and pulls his wife into his arms. "i.. this is all my fault."

more of the castle guards come rushing in, some gag in disgust at the dank stench of blood and the bodies. the ones who were brave enough carried the two bodies away as the king and queen cry.

it was too much for the kingdom to handle. the prince was killed during the ball that was dedicated to him, committing some sort of suicide with another male that no one knew about.

a funeral was held and everyone was allowed to attend. it was gloomy and dark day for all the villages as they had lost two precious souls that deserved much more.

the bodies of brendon boyd urie and ryan ross were now locked away and hidden under the ground.

where they would rest in peace.

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