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N A G I S A ' S     P . O . V


This last subject before lunch started 5 minutes ago and only Korosensei's voice and the leaves outside are the only things that can be heard.

That is until the usual gunshot rang in our ears and all our eyes are on the door.

"Ne sensei , it would've been better if you haven't dodged that one"

"Karma-kun...." I muttered , is it just me or his voice some how changed ?

"Arigato ne , Nagisa-kun" Karma said in a gentle voice as I look at him confused.

"For what ?"

Karma-kun is back to his usual self. Being late , no uniform and being impolite as hell.

"Karma-kun , it's not like you to be late." Korosensei looks.....neutral

"Eh ? I gave you 4 days of being a model student and now you think that's me ? Well I did insist , didn't I ? But still I never thought you'll get used to it." Karma-kun said with a amused smile.

"Terasaka-kun , still looks like an idiot ne ? They always said that looks can be decided but it doesn't seem to work on you."

"What the fuck ?! I never even said anything ! What the hell are you starting ?!" Now I know why Terasaka-kun hates Karma-kun so passionately.

"Didn't you ?" Karma said with an innocent and questioning deface and boy was that cute !

And Terasaka on the other hand seems to have realized something , probably the one this morning since he looks so guilty.

"Terasaka-kun , so you did say something !" Karma-kun laughed like a maniac but still sound so good. "Like they said , the fish does gets caught in it's own mouth."

"Nurufufufu Karma-kun , it looks like you're still as lively as ever , I kinda say that I did miss you , why don't you give sensei a big warm hug !"

No offense but I'm glad I'm not Karma-kun right now.

"That's disgusting you yellow octopus !" Karma-kun said while dodging Korosensei tentacles but suddenly sensei stopped.

"Karma-kun , you said last time you'll tell us today why you're acting weird—"

"Hold it sensei ! That's supposed to be "why I'm acting normal."

"Yes Karma-kun , why you're acting normal ?"

"But isn't this class hours ?" Karma asked as everyone thought the same thing..." SINCE WHEN DID YOU CARE ABOUT CLASS HOURS ?!"

"Since Monday you know ?" Karma-kun with a know-it-all tone but like he reads our mind. what the heck ?! Is he a psychic or something ?!

He went to his seat and started playing video games , he looks like he just came to school just for attendance but like he said earlier looks can be deceiving because he actually listens to the teacher.

How do I know ? Korosensei asked him to answer the question and he just read and he got it correct while completing a level because his PS4 just omitted a sound indicating the next level opening.

Wow !

Just Wow !

That's one mad video game skills !

Lunch Break

A crowd went to Karma-Kun with curiosity in their eyes.

"What ?" Karma grumbled , obviously displeased. "What the fuck do you want?"

"The Truth." A rough voice said beside me rang.

He looked so serious.

And for some reason Karma-kun starts laughing so hard , so freaking hard , he fell of his chair.

As nice as how laugh sounds , I don't get why he's laughing.

"I never took you as a poet Terasaka-kun"

Huh ?

Anyway , he start laughing again and when he starts to clam down he immediately have a serious face and said "The truth" and starts to laugh again as all of us start to laugh with him expect Terasaka-kun who's blushing as red as Karma's hair.

"Shut up you imbecile !"

"Wow big word for you Terasaka, do you even know what imbecile mean ~ ?"

"Of course ! That's an insult !"

"The fuck , Terasaka-kun ? You really don't know what it mean ? Just an insult ? That could be a compliment for me though ~ "

"Just shut the fuck up ! We want to learn the truth !"

"I'll tell you if you said 'The truth' again with a serious face"

"Like hell I will !"

"Hahahahaha Just kidding Terasaka-kun but I'm eating don't you see? " Karma said calming down while showing his bento which is kinda weird.

Normally , he just drinks Strawberry Milk.

But nobody said a word to that and just let him eat in peace because for some reason , Karma-kun looked really pale and his eyes seemed unfocused like he can't see clearly.

After the remaining 3 afternoon subject , Karma-kun just slept his days out , it's against the school rules but somehow Korosensei seemed to notice how Karma-kun just collapsed then and there , felling asleep just like that.

But he seemed to be awake 5 minutes before the last bell and everybody's packing their stuff peacefully. That's right , we were just packing our stuff peacefully before Karma-kun ...dropped the bomb we've been waiting for.

And we regret to even ask him.

"Hey , guys" everybody's been waiting for this so we all stopped and looked at him.

"I'm dropping off school starting today , so just kill the damn octopus and smash the Class A bastard for me ok ?"

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