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"I'm dropping off school starting today , so just kill the damn octopus and smash the Class A bastard for me ok ?"

"WHAT ?"




Barrage of yelling attacked Karma-kun even Bitch-sensei seemed to join the fray but some like me , Korosensei and Karasuma-sensei are just too shocked to say anything. 

After like an hour and everybody calmed down. 

Korosensei approached Karma-kun so unlike him.

"Karma-kun what do you mean by 'dropping out' ?"

" I mean literally what it sounds like , I'm dropping out , i don't know what's surprising really since I'm a delinquent and all but don't worry I won't spill anything about sensei right here , quite weird coming from me but despite being an annoying yellow octopus , he's a better teacher than those bastards in the main building."

"Karma-kun thanks for the compliment but don't think you're escaping just because of that , this is serious matter. Also mind your language."

"Ah~ sorry about my profanity sensei but it could've been better if you just bawled out of happiness for the little compliment I made." Korosensei narrowed his eyes at that

"I'm not sure if you're joking or not , all I know is that you're not dropping out of school." Korosensei looked so serious , so serious it even scared me.

"Ah But sensei ~" Karma smile playfully at him. "I've already told the chairman and he seems overjoyed about the top scorer of Class E leaving since it ruins Class—"

"YOU . ARE . NOT . DROPPING . OUT . YOU HEAR ME KARMA-KUN , it's not too late to take back what you said to the Principal and I expect that you will take it back later." Sensei's terrifying now. 

I guess a students dropping out of you really is a teacher's biggest fear but I don't believe Karma-kun or more like I don't want to believe him.

"Eh ? But Sensei ~ I already dropped out ~ I'm not enrolled in the school already. You see , I just begged the Chairman to let me tell you within a week. And since he's so happy about it he just agreed with a big smile of his face that rivals yours" Karma-kun looked so amused.

"So Bye Bye sensei ~" All of us are shocked by the sudden declaration.

Nobody even realized that Karma-kun already left until he's nowhere to be seen.

 We just stood there for God knows how long. Karasuma-sensei instructed since he's the first one to snap out of it but everyone still have blank faces as we headed home.Wishing to see Karma-kun again next week.

Laughing his ass off about our faces and saying it was just a joke.

But it never happened.

The chairman proved it all. 

Karma-kun really dropped out an is nowhere to be seen.

We visited his house on Monday till Friday. 

We even had a sleepover knowing Karma-kun lives alone but he never came back. 

That whole week , the first week of October....has been hell to us.

Korosensei told us to stop searching for Karma.

Most of us did but some of us didn't without the others knowing.

We know that Korosensei is secretly searching for Karma-kun so we searched for him too.

We can't believe that Karma-kun just disappeared like that with most of his belongings still remain in his house.

We haven't seen Karma-kun for about 2 weeks.

 We all tried to act like normal but nothing fits anymore. 

We did our best studying and being us.

We try assassinate Korosensei just like how we used to but still looks so empty.

Korosensei don't color his face with anything at all no matter what we do. 

Not even the annoying green stripes !

 He still have that big smile and pathetic laugh but he didn't tease us as much as he used to ball into tears whenever someone Praise him or insult him.

Something just changed but this Classroom feels like a puppet show everybody was forced to play.

I never knew Karma-kun's impact till now, I never knew he can put us in this state without doing anything expect leaving.

That is but even Terasaka-kun who used to have so much fun when Karma-kun ditches seems like someone who was forced to act.

It's not like he's the one who runs this Classroom heck he just sits down quietly there , make trouble or ditches then why can he make us change so much ? 

 Simple ! 

Like how a puzzle can't be solve with a missing piece.

Like a book missing a chapter. 

Like a flower with a missing petal.

Like a Classroom with a missing student.

We laugh and train.

Fight and study. 

Talk and Listen. 

Act and hide....

And Karma-kun is still nowhere to be found.

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