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N A G I S A ' S P . O . V


"B-Brain c-cancer ?"

I never knew this 2 words can be so hard to form.

I never knew my heart can pound and drop the way it can now. I never knew I can still feel fear like the way I can now.

I never knew that someone as strong as him can be brought down.

I never knew Karma-kun only have ..

a few months to live....

All of my surrounding became mono color.

I feel so empty and utterly scared. It's like the world stopped spinning and left me all alone in the dark hole. I feel so numb.

"B-but there's chemotherapy right ?" I can't distinguish anything anymore.

I don't know who said that but all I know is that I need to hear what happens in that therapy.

"I don't know the details myself but I heard that chemotherapy didn't work. It just worsened his candid it seems." That's all I need to hear before the world faded into black.

It looks like someone's dragging me and it looks like i'm walking but I can't even feel my legs anymore.

I need to see him.

I want to see him but the thought of him lying in a hospital bed , with dozens of tube inside him and barely breathing makes me wanna wish I just drop here and die.

I can't face him.

Karma-kun's my first friend.

I don't want to lose him.

I don't know when I can start hearing his voice again when suddenly I heard her say something I'm still indecisive about.

"Ok , so here's his roo-.....don't worry about it. I mean you should worry but relax a bit. He's bit lively than you thought you know ?" Then she opens the door.

It didn't smell like I thought it would.

Well yeah , it smells like medicine but just a little bit and what's that sound ?

Shooting ?

"Hey go inside ! He's a bit uncomfortable when I open the door too long and speak of the devil here he comes." No cue I heard a shout I've been longing to hear for so long.

"Hey Kishitani-san Right ? Do you need something ? Hurry up and close the goddamned door !" He's slurring means it's....

"Ah Karma-kun somebody's gonna visit and they won't come in."

"I told ya already ! Nobody's gonna visit me ! But if there is someone tell them to hurry the fuck up before I kick them out without getting in !" He's a lot lively than I thought.

Kishitani looked at us with a gentle smile.

"You heard him. Get in before he explodes." We reluctantly got in and saw him laying in his stomach playing XBox.

There's not dozens of tubes just 2 needles , one for the IV and then the heart monitor.

It doesn't look like he's dying.

Maybe it's all joke and laugh at our faces. Pausing his game he looked at us in the eyes.

"Wow. I never know You guys found out sooner than I thought. A lot sooner that is. I was thinking you would know at my funeral or something."

Funeral ?

"Karma-kun is it true ?" I found my self saying without thinking

"As much as I hate to admit , yeah it's true." He said. Once again I asked and wished and regretted. Everything is repeating it self.

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