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"You always managed to surprise me you brat

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"You always managed to surprise me you brat..." Kishitani-sensei mumbled."Hope me soon to be offspring's a lot like you Karma-kun."

As he approached the boy and pulled the blanket off his face while smiling softly at the peaceful face remained to the once mischievous child.

Karma-kun's parents asked the class where do they think his happiness is and of course like he told them.....E Class. They didn't stay for the funeral. They left as soon as it they paid for the expenses. It looks like they can't bear it.

They cried worse.....longer.

They are his parents after all and he's their only child.

The funeral is settled after a week.....after his death at the mountain.....the same day as graduation.....wearing his black jacket and white long sleeved shirt.

A knife under his sleeve and a gun inside the coat.

A year book beside him.

The first one to go.

A gap that cannot be filled was created a week again..

And this Class is no longer whole.

N A G I S A ' S P . O . V


A crazy yellow octopus that's 20 times the speed of sound. A guy who skinned himself just to have a perfect disguise...and someone who can break skulls with his bare hands..


We already saw many crazy things in this crazy school year......almost nothing surprises us anymore. This year has already been something irreplaceable since the moment I stepped on it.

It was everything that I expected it to be....

Everything but tragedy.

Korosensei didn't explode for some reason that I never asked...this is what I wished for but still this tears kept falling from my eyes for who knows how long.

Karma-kun.....you'll continue to watch over us won't you ?

We'll do our best to have an entertaining life.

We'll travel the world for you because we know you'll be following us..

I hope we made you happy.

I hope whenever you are......you'll be able to look forward for tomorrow.

I hope you'll be comfortable and continue to exist without fear.

I hope...

I hope....

I hope that whenever you are you can see how much we miss you....

How much we love you.....

How much we want to see you again....

How much we cherish our memories together thought short I hope that you too....will remember us.

I took a deep breath as I try to control my tears and stop my trembling.

All of us are crying....desperate to wake up from this horrible nightmare.....

Karma-kun , can you see us ?

Can you hear us ?

And as if to answer my question a very cold rain with a little bit of hail came straight towards us in the middle of spring and I swear I could hear a mischievous laugh coming from above as I looked around and I know that everyone also hear it too.

Karma-kun.....I won't come over there anytime soon. I hope you don't mind being lonely and become bored.

Hahaha as if you'll ever be bored.

You'll probably prank anyone who's there with you or maybe you'll make it hail again when lest exacted it and having a BBQ party.

And you'll probably laugh your ass off amused with our reaction , won't you ?

I bet you'll never change even after a million years passed.

But I wouldn't want it any other way.

I want to watch it again.....this tragic story of our most crazy school year....

I never thought a year that's the happiest year of my life can be one of the most saddest day I'll ever experience. Many things happened....Things that I never thought possible.

But even if it's not as magical as it is..Even Korosensei is not a Mach 20 yellow octopus. Even if the moon is still circle. Even if we are just studying like a normal student without Assassination. This year is still the best because this is the year that.... we met each other ...and stood up for ourselves.

For our beloved place that was kept hidden. We'll neve-

On second thought I'd rather not tell you that 'never forget you' cliche , I know that you'd rather hear the "I'll continue your legacy" quote but sorry I'm not really good at pranking so just wait for Nakamura-San.

I just hope that we really gave you a happy year that you can always look back on. As our class started to leave , I stopped and looked back.

"Ne Karma-kun ,

                                    wanna have a strawberry milk ?" 

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                                    wanna have a strawberry milk ?" 

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