Chapter 1 Hazel Grace

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I knew it was all over when Mrs.Waters stepped out of Augustus's hospital room. She was crying with what I assumed was grief, but when she got closer she was smiling this bright happy smile. I got and walked over to her with my cart in tow. "What happened Mrs.Waters? Is Augustus -" I couldn't bring myself to say the unspoken word between us. Is Augustus dead? She looked at me smiling. "No. Thank goodness no, they found a cure," she said, but then quickly added, " It's not permanent but it bought him one more year." I looked at her in disbelief. Augustus is alive, he's semi-cured? I had a rising excitement about what she was saying. It was music to my ears. "Can I see him?" I said without thinking. "Sorry I'm just excited. I don't have to see him now. I know you would like your family time." I said embarrassed. Of course I had to go and embarrass myself, Augustus will want to be with his family. Mrs.Waters just smiled and said "That's actually what I came here to tell you. Gus wants to see 'his girl with the cart' I quote." I looked at her hoping I didn't mishear. "Really? Is that okay with you?" I asked feeling excited. "Yes. Augustus would like to let you see him feeling better so you can stop worrying about. That's what he said. Me and my husband will be waiting out here." She gestured to the waiting room I was just in. "Thank you. Thank you." That was all I could say as I walked towards Augustus's room.

Thank you God for Augustus being alive

Thank you mom for making me go to support group

Thank you AIA for bringing me and Gus closer together.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

When I got to Augustus's room I flattened down my hair and knocked on the door. Mr.Waters opened it almost immediately. "Hello. How are you doing today Just Hazel?" He said brightly. "Great and how about you Mr.Waters?" I asked politely. "Well we found out our boy will live for a little longer so I'm doing great. Here come in and see him, he's been dying for you. Pun intended." Mr.Waters turned to Augustus's bed (I assumed since his frame took over the whole door way), and said "Gus you have a special visitor." I heard a rustling sound and then the voice that melts my heart say "It better not be another nurse coming to check on me. The last one wanted to see me without my prosthetic leg on. That dude was creepy." Mr. Waters just shook his head. He then moved outside and wisphered "Good luck keeping him in bed. He will be to excited to see you." And he walked away. I turned my head to see in to Augustus laying in bed looking out the window. "It's not like I haven't seen you without your prosthetic leg before. And I guess if you don't want to see anybody I'll just leave." I said teasingly. At the sound of my voice Augustus whipped his head to the door. His eyes lit up when he saw me and I saw his grin again for the first time in weeks. "Hazel Grace. You are right I don't want to see anybody. You being an exception." He said practically glowing. I walked in to his room and shut the door casually then walked to his bedside. We stood there awkwardly until he said "Well what are you waiting for. Come down here and give me a hug." I was waiting for that so when he finally said it I didn't hesitate. I leaned down and said "It seems like it's been forever since I last have you a hug." He engulfed me in his arms and said "You don't have to wait that long again." And kissed the top of my head. "I sure hope not. I see someone is feeling better. So if you don't give me a hug I may end up where you are now. I will die from no hugs." I said sitting at the foot of his bed. "You know what I will die from? No Hazel Grace right by me. In fact I'm feeling a little light headed. Hazel Grace your to far away. I think I'm dying." Gus said putting his hands over his heart. I laughed scooting closer, "Your impossible. If that is what happens when that far away, what will happen when you and I have to go home?" I asked laying my head on his chest. "You may here the door at two a.m and your mom or dad yelling at me to go home. Then you will here a tap on your window to let me in. You will think I'm crazy and I will tell you it's your fault because I'm in love with you Hazel Grace." He said with sincere words. "Your right about all of that, except you missed a part." I said looking at him. "Oh yeah, and what's that?" He said meeting my gaze. "You forgot the part where I would feel way to bad for you to let you go back to your house. So after you said you loved me I would say that it's your fault because you let me love you. Then I would get on my knees and beg you to stay because I love you Augustus Waters." As I said this I realized that those words were the truth. Augustus looked down at me and said "I really do love you Hazel Grace." I looked in to his eyes and saw the reasons I fell in love with him in there. "I love you more Augustus Waters." I said the I added "Okay?"


I felt him smiling as I laid my head back down on his chest.

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