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It has been three months since the whole Civil war issue with the other Avengers. After pulling a few strings I had managed to get Clint, Sam, Scott, Wanda, and Natasha out of the Raft and allowed them to stay at the Avengers tower or the compound under surveillance. 

Pepper seemed grateful about having two more girls to talk to and hang out with. Natasha and Wanda like hanging out with Pepper but always give me death glares do to what happened. I admitted that what I did was stupid and after some thinking and talking to Pepper I eventually agree that listening to Ross was completely stupid. Fury was chewing me out for my choice and for being the reason that split the team up in the first place.

Steve still hates me, Barnes is somewhere, and I have been chickening out on calling Steve to ask him if he would like to live with the others and I at the tower and the compound! Pepper keeps telling me that if I explain about what happened lately then our friendship could be salvageable but I can't. I doubt that I can fix it, people aren't machines or lines of codes that can easily fixed or rewritten. 

But lately I found that there were more heroes coming out like that Dr. Strange and Spider-man. I taken an interest in Spider-man with his ability to walk and crawl on walls, to his reflexes and that webbing that he uses! Like is it organic or did he make it??

"Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y, what's new with our Friendly neighbourhood Spider-man?" I asked.

"Spider-man has been last seen three days ago, but hasn't been seen since. Crime rates have been slowly rising after Spider-man's disappearance." the AI said.

I sat at my workbench in thought. Ever since I've started looking into the little wall crawler I started designing a new suit for him because that outfit that the small time hero wore was horrendous! Did he like fighting crime in his PJ's?

I let out a sigh before turning to see Bruce's workbench to see the last project that he was working on left abandoned after the whole Ultron fight. Lately I have been getting lonely in the lab and craving for some conversation about the project that I have been working on.

I let my mind drift off thinking about Spider-man to kids, a topic that came up more then once with Pepper and I. Thinking about Pepper and I having a kid, but with us so busy that we wouldn't have the time to raise a baby. Then the thought hit me a teen we could adopt a teen!

"F.R.I.D.A.Y where is Pepper?" I asked.

"Ms. Potts is in the lounge with Black Widow and Scarlet Witch." she replied.

"Thank you!" I said as I rushed out of the lab.

I jogged down the halls that led to the lounge before bursting in with a grin. The three women looked up from the table and turned to see me and tilted their heads a bit, but not without the two Russian females glaring at me that is.

"Tony is everything okay?" Pepper asked.

"Yeah I just need to talk to you about that thing that we talked about last week." I said, Pepper nodded before she turned to the two females and said that she will be back before leaving with me.

We walked to our room and sat on the bed.

"So what did you think of starting our own family?" I asked.

Pepper sighed before looking down a bit with a small frown before looking back at me.

"Tony we can't raise a child. You are busy with your inventions and with some of the Avengers to even raise a kid." Pepper said.

"That's the thing we can't raise a baby or a child but we can adopt a teen around 14 to 17 so we don't have to really worry about finding someone to babysit or the whole waking up during the night to crying or changing diapers. " I said.

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