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I was laying on a bed in a white room that was located in the Avengers tower. They had doctors taking blood samples before leaving me alone. All I could think about was Peter. Peter my friend who was always there for me when my father didn't want me around. Peter who was like a brother to me was in surgery for something that I did to him, I was filled with regret for hurting my friend.

"Peter... I'm sorry..." I whispered.

I know being an Osborn we are expected to be tough and not show any type of remorse or sympathy to others who are dubbed less then us, but Peter.... He.... I saw him as a brother and I hurt him. Knowing that I could have killed him made my stomach roll, I felt sick. So I laid alone in the room praying that Peter would forgive me and my horrible deeds.


I was pacing the room, Cassie was next to me looking worried. When we got to the tower Peter was taken from my arms and the kids saw Peter, everyone was worried for him. Harry was also taken away as well. I called Hope and Hank  and told them about what happened and they came immediately to offer their help.

"Dad?" Cassie spoke up.

"Yes peanut?" I said softly.

"Is Peter going to be okay?" Cassie asked and I froze.

I didn't know but I didn't want to scare her.

"Yeah, Peter is strong but right now the doctors are going to take care of him." I said, she nodded before Hope came by and pulled Cassie into her arms.

"Don't worry, Peter has the best Doctors helping him." Hope said, Cassie smiled before resting her head on Hopes shoulder.



I was surrounded by darkness, I could hear everything  like I was under water, words muffled, blending together into a mess of noise. I looked around me to see a scene slowly appear. A familiar room in a familiar place. I was back at May's and I's apartment in Queens. I slowly walked further into the apartment and found myself standing outside of the living room were my family was.

May and mom were talking to each other, while Dad and Ben were talking about sports.

"Oh Peter! Your here! Mary, Peter's here." May said.

My family looked at me with warm smiles.

"Hello Peter." My mother said, with a modest smile.

"Hello son." My father said.

I felt tears in my brown eyes. I go to step forward before Uncle Ben spoke making me stop.

"Peter, you have made me so proud." he said walking out of the living room and hugged me. I hugged back tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Peter, you made me a proud Aunt. I am very happy that you are safe and that you are helping others." May said before hugging me as well, a soft sob passed my lips.

"Peter, my sweet sweet Peter. I know that I wasn't around you for most of your life but I am proud to have you as my son, I am proud to be your mother." Mom said, joining in on the hug as well, she kissed my cheek gently.

"Peter, my brave boy. I know that I wasn't there when you were bullied but I am proud at your selflessness, bravery and thoughtfulness for others. You are stronger then you know and I am proud that you follow your judgement and help others." Dad said, hugging me as well.

I sobbed as I was surrounded by my family. The warmth that I got from them warmed me.

"I miss you all so much." I whispered.

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