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We were all sitting at the table talking about what will happen now since we have Peter living with us.

"What if the tower gets attacked when Peter is here!" Sam said.

"Then we keep Peter safe and I also have all my suits here so one of them can sweep Peter out of the tower and take him some where safe! Heck I can build Peter a suit if he wants!" Tony stated.

"Not everything can be solved with your suits Tony!" Natasha snapped.

Wanda and Vision both looked at me and Scott before looking at the Billionaire like he is crazy.

"I am going to see if I can find a menu, since this is going to take forever..." Scott said and left the room.

"Besides I don't think that Peter should be pulled into our fights, so I think that when ever we have to leave.... when we are allowed....  Peter should stay with someone who can keep him safe." I said, the others nodded in agreement.

I heard the sound of the elevator opening then Tony's AI speak up.

"Peter has a bruised rib, a dislocated knee, a broken nose, a black eye he also has bruising on his back and lower torso and chest." Came the AI's voice, I swear that she sounded worried.

We all rushed over just to see Scott pick Peter up in his arms and rushed off to the Medical bay. We all ran after the two, Tony was shouting at F.R.I.D.A.Y to call Doctor Cho, I saw Scott gently place Peter on the medical table and doctors rushed to him immediately.

"You all need to leave and let us do our job." Helen Cho said as she rushed passed us and started to pull out and X-ray machine.


Soon we all were kicked out and I saw Tony looking pale as he looked at the door.

"Why... why would somebody do that to a nice kid.... To a kid who can't speak!" Tony growled out.

"Well whoever did this will pay." Nat said, looking like she is ready to kill.



I woke up in my room with the blinds closed and everything still and quite. This reminds me of the one time I came home from my one fight with the Lizard, where the house was silent and dark. Aunt May was at her job by the time I made it home, I was badly wounded with my chest bleeding and I had a few broken ribs from getting hit from that stupid tail of his.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the door to my room opened and Scott, Vision and Wanda came in with bandages, food and blankets.

"Evening Pete." Wanda greeted as she walked over with the bandages in hand.

I grabbed my note book and Wanda handed me a pen.

"Hey guys... uh.. what happened?" I wrote.

"Kid... you passed out in the elevator when you came home." Scott said.

"You were badly injured Peter. Mr. Stark was throwing a 'fit' as Wanda and the others would say." Vision stated.

I paled at this, then everything came back to me. Flash and his friends ganging up on me and beating me up, me coming back to the tower and collapsing in the elevator. I looked away as Scott helped me to sit up, I felt pathetic that I let this happen to me.

"Come on Pete lift up your arms for us will you? We need to check your bandages." Scott said.

I slowly nodded and did as asked, I felt Vision take off my shirt to reveal my whole torso covered in thick white wraps. I guess they got me better then last week, I could heard the three sigh before getting to work on changing my bandages.

"Are you hungry Peter?" Wanda asked.

I silently nodded and watched as she pulled away and Vision took her place helping Scott with the wrapping. Wanda then grabbed a bowl of warm pale yellow liquid that had noodles and cubes of meat and vegetables in it.

"Nat, Pepper and I made you some soup." Wanda said, as she brought a spoonful of the soup to my lips.

I didn't want to be spoon fed but the look in Wanda's eyes held the need to help so I let her. I wished that I could speak right now to tell her that the soup was really good, but I couldn't. Not yet.


Scott gave me a piggy back to the Family floor where Tony was talking to a man in a black trench coat with an eye patch covering his left eye.

"I tried Fury! But I can't bring myself to call him!" Tony said.

"Stark! I don't care about your hurt pride, I want you to call him in or I get Pepper or Nat to call him! I would sleep better if I had my team back together! Heck Spider-man was doing a great job before he vanished! So get over your pride and call him back!" The man who Tony called 'Fury' snapped.

Fury turned to see Wanda, Vision, Scott and I standing there looking at them with shock. Tony saw us as well and he was red in the face once he realised that we heard him get scolded.

"Stark who's the kid?" Fury asked.

"He's Peter Parker, he got adopted by Pepper and Tony." Wanda said before Tony could.

I waved at him before looking at the window were the balcony is and tapped Scott's shoulder and pointed at where I want to go.

"Got it bud!" Scott chirped, before walking passed Fury and Tony to the balcony and helped me down and I sat there looking at the view.


It has been a few weeks since I was adopted and since I came back to the tower with injuries. Now I was sitting on a roof top close to were I lived with Aunt May, some of Aunt Mays friends set a date for her funeral and let me know about it. Which was in three days, so I just have to figure out how to tell everyone.

I sighed before slipping on my masked and swung away from my old home the home that I lived in ever since I was five or six years old. As I was swinging home I had many pit-stops along the way. I stopped three bank robberies, five muggings and saved two kids from a kidnapping.

When I reached the tower I carefully reached my room and slipped out of my suit and hid it in my closet under a pile of clothes and I took a shower and got into my pj's and fell asleep.


I watched as Peter look up from his phone to look at Tony and Pepper before looking down and started biting his lip. I got up and walked over to Peter and sat next to him.

"You look like you have something to share... need help?" I said before offering my help.

Peter paused before nodding and handed me his phone. I looked at it and saw the words 'Aunt May' and 'Funeral' I looked at Peter and I knew that one of the reasons that Peter stopped talking was because of the death of his Aunt May.

"Tony we all are going to Peter's Aunts Funeral." I stated and pulled Peter into a hug.

Everyone looked at us and like a light switch Peter broke into tears and clung to me as he sobbed. Tears welled in my eyes just imagining the pain that Peter is going through. Natasha and Scott rushed over and joined in on the hug, Clint disappeared before walking out of the kitchen with tissues and Ice cream with a spoon and came and joined us as well.

Tony, Sam, Vision and Pepper all came as well and we all sat there hugging Peter in a warm group hug.


Here is another chapter! And I am listening to flipping sad songs just for this chapter! T^T Let me know what you all think about it!! Now I need to start working on the next chapter before I start crying myself a river.

Started writing: June 25, 2019

Finished Writing: June 25, 2019

Edit writing:  June 25, 2019

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