Chapter 14

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Chapter 14~Jack POV:

I roll over onto my stomach and reach my arm out to the other side of the bed. It's empty.

What the fuck?

I open my eyes to see an Elsa-less bed. I sit up and rub my neck, blinking the sleep from my eyes.

Taking a deep breath, I stretch and set my feet on the hardwood. Bacon. I smell bacon.

I quickly pull on the pants I scoop off the floor and rush down the stairs, following the smell of cooking breakfast.

As I enter the kitchen, I see Elsa standing at the stove with tongs in one hand, flipping pancakes with a plate of bacon next to her on the counter. She is wearing a pair if her pajama shorts and my tank top, the one that we left discarded and forgotten on the floor.

I sneak up behind her and wait until she has her hand away from the scalding pan. As soon as I knew she wasn't gonna burn herself, I press my body against her back, my nose grazes her cheek, my hands on her waist.

"Something smells delicious," I mutter against her cheek.

"Its just from a box!" she giggles.

"I'm not talking about the pancakes, Ice."

At this point she turns around and presses her body to mine, placing her hands on my chest. She stands on her toes to kiss me and I happily lean down to meet her.

"To hell with the pancakes," she murmurs on my lips and closes the distance between us again.

I start to pull up on her shirt when I hear squealing from across the room.

Anna comes running into the house and Elsa giggles quietly.

"Your sister came to visit. Good to know."

"I didn't know," she whispers back.

She releases me and rushes to meet her sister and they grab each other in a tight hug. I then spot Kristoff lugging in a red plastic wagon with beach things in it and Little Olaf balancing on his hip.

"Hey, Jack. Sorry to barge in. You know I don't have much control on her. She made up her mind last night and I couldn't dissuade her." He smiles apologetically

"Its alright," I say, taking Olaf from him, who reached his little ravioli sized baby hands out for me the moment he set his eyes on me.

I am talking Kristoff and playing with Olaf when we hear squeeling coming from the direction of his mother and aunt. I turn to see what's up and can't help but stare at the scene before me.

Elsa is laughing loudly at her sister's antics and the appraising of her ring, her hand trapped in Anna's grip. Her smile made her eyes sparkle and I felt like the wind was knocked of me when she caught me staring.

"Close your mouth, buddy. You'll end up with Olaf's blocks in there," Kristoff laughs.

I snap my mouth shut and turn back to the little guy in my lap.

As the craziness behind us calms a bit, the five of us sat around the table and ate some breakfast. Elsa and Anna made more since we originally thought it would be just the two of us.

After breakfast, we sat Olaf in front of the TV and turned on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while the rest of us sat on the couch.

"So, since you guys came all the way out here, I assume you have a plan?" Elsa asks with a glance at Anna. I have to suppress a laugh and end up smiling into Elsa's hair.

"I know it was unexpected, and I'm sorry for that," Kristoff says with a pointed look at his wife,

"Anna wanted a beach more than anything else in the world. She also wanted to see the ring in person."

"Can you blame me?! My sister is ENGAGED, Kristoff! ENGAGED!" She is all but screaming and Elsa laughs while telling her to calm down.

"After we go to the beach then we can treat you to dinner at that fancy place at the end of the road, next to the Funzone. As a congratulations gift?" Kristoff says after Anna calms a bit and settles back into the space between his arm and chest.

"Thank you, Kristoff. That sounds great," Elsa says with a bright smile.

"We go candy and beach?" Olaf asks from he seat on the floor.

"We can go to the candy shoppe now if your mommy and daddy say yes," I respond with a smile at the boy.

"I guess we could use a walk," Anna says, looking at Kristoff. He shrugs and agrees.

Elsa leaps off the couch and scoops Olaf up, holding him upside down. He shrieks with laughter as Elsa starts tickling him. His parents laugh and I stand up to play with the giggling pair.

"UNCIE JACK! SAVE OLAF!" He screams and I approach the two with my hands on my hips.

"You want me to save you?"


"Hmm, I dunno. What do you think, Auntie Elsa?"

"Well, I think that you are bow under my enchantment! You must do what I say!" She exclaims, releasing Olaf with one hand and swinging him right side up while using her other hand to cast a "spell" on me. She actually just hit me in the face with a snowball.

"WOAH," I say then make a funny face, prompting a laugh from both the toddler and his Aunt.

"Alright, alright. You want to go to the candy shoppe?" Elsa asks the boy in her arms.


She sets him on his feet and he rushes out the backdoor, headed for the boardwalk.

The adults follow, sisters arm in arm, gentlemen walking behind them.

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