Chapter 19

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Chapter 19~Elsa POV:Saturday, December 20th. 6:30 am. 59.5 hours before the Wedding.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Beep beep beep beep SMACK.

That is the first thing I hear the morning after the bachelor and bachelorette parties.

I roll over and my head meets the cold, hard flesh of Jack's toned shoulder. His arm wraps around my waist and pulls me closer. He lowers his head to meet mine, his lips by my ear.

"Do you want to get ready or should I let you sleep more then carry you to the car after I'm dressed?"

I groan quietly but start to move away from him in an answer. He stops me and tells me to go back to stay there. I do as I'm told and whine when he gets out of bed. When he comes back, he has 2 cups of coffee in his hands. He hands the lighter of the mugs to me. The coffee mugs were a gift from Anna: they looked like they were made of ice, one light blue, one dark blue. They were our favorite mugs in the house.

I take the mug gratefully and drink the coffee quickly. He makes ice coffe first because why drink it slowly because it's hot when you could get caffeine faster if it's cold?

After I finish, he takes the cup from me and places it on the nightstand. He pulls me to my feet and holds me close to him, his head resting on mine. He pulls away first and starts to get ready. I follow suit. He is dressed before I am and starts packing the car with our bags. He returns as I am finishing my hair.

"Ready?" He asks as I pull my hair together with a hair tie.


"Let's go!" He takes my hand and flies to the living room, and I mean that literally. He stops before the kitchen. He picks up the last of the bags with one hand and heads for the door with me in tow.

"Are you forgetting anything?" I ask as I pick up my purse and phone.

"No, I'm not forgetting anything." He responds.

"Are you absolutely sure? I won't have to go out and buy you something on the honeymoon?"

"Yes, I'm sure," he starts then stops and turns around just in front of the door, "Wait I did!"

I raise an eyebrow at him, "Told you s-" he kisses me before I can finish.

"Let's go get married," he says.

I smile and he opens the door.


9 hours and 48 minutes later, we are in the middle of nowhere, right where we want to be.

There are 2 cabins near the edge of the clearing where the two of us will be separated almost completely until the wedding.

Jack opens the car door for me and the moment my feet hit the ground, I feel arms around my neck and hear squealing in my ear.

I embraced the petite redhead with as much enthusiasm as she is giving me.

She releases me and hold my hands. She then jumps up and down and talks so fast that she is unintelligible. All I got from her was, "MARRIED... EXCITED... LOVE... LAFFY AND JACK... BABIES!"

I laugh as her husband comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist, lifting her off her feet and moving her out of his way. Kristoff hugs me quickly and shakes Jack's hand before releasing his squirming wife.

As she starts to make her way back to me, Laffy comes running as fast as his little legs would carry him and straight into Jack's legs.

"Uncie Jack, Uncie Jack, Uncie Jack!!!" Screams the micro-human.

Jack throws him up and catches him, holds him upside down before pulling him right side up.

"Hey, buddy! Are you excited?"

"YES! Auntie Elsa!"

He reaches out for me and I take him from Jack happily. He hugs me around the neck and snuggles into my neck. I hold my nephew close to me, cradling his head with mine. He lifts up his head and he has this big smile on his face. I smile back and nuzzle his nose.

"Auntie Elsa, where the snow?" He asks.

"I don't know, Laffy. Where is the snow, Uncle Jack?"

"Hmm... we can't have a winter wonderland wedding without the snow, can we, Olaf?"


"Then, Queenie, I suggest that we remedy this vital part if our wedding." He smirks at me. Laffy, recognizing what the look means, climbs off me and jumps up and down waiting for the magic.

I look at Jack and we raise our hands in sync, causing snow to fall from the cloudy skies. Little Olaf dances around wildly and shrieks with excitement.

I look at Jack, who grins at me and nods. With that, I start to run toward the edge of the forest. I am followed close behind by Jack who flies with Olaf on his back. Jack puts Laffy down and sits next to him about 5 feet away from me.

"Are you ready?" I ask.

They clap and cheer, signaling to me that I should hurry up and make the magic.

I stomp my foot down on the grass and frozen fractals appear beneath it. I step back and raise my hands, watching as a small, child-sized playhouse rises from the ice I created a moment before. As it finishes building itself, Olaf jumps up and runs at it at full speed. He opens the little door and walks into the house that the adults couldn't fit in unless we crouched. He pushes the small shutters around the window apart and let's us look in.

The little house has a table and chair big enough for him and a tiny kitchen that could hold snacks if he wanted. He squeals and laughs and plays in his new play place. With a wave of his staff, Jack conjures a tea set and sets it on the little table.

We have a small tea party in the snow with Laffy until the sun started setting and we went to dinner. When we returned, we went to our separate cabins until tomorrow night, after the wedding.

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