mr cecil

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the map of my life
gentle pawprint alongside clumsy footprint
despite the twists and turns i take its always there
he's always there, my velvet companion
even when i dont see him there's always a trace
tufts of ginger left on my school trousers, my bed, my heart
"one day" he said, (with those eyes that said so much) "these traces will be all there is"
he looked me in my eyes and i saw in his a pixie child grabbing at a tail like it was a toy
an infant holding a scrambling ball of fluff before a window
a kid whispering her secrets into the softest ear
an awkward teenager sobbing into fur
and a strange adult fledgling, in nostalgic agony
"we had fun, didnt we?" he said with his slow blink
all i could do was nod, my words had caught in my throat like a hairball

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