Chapter 1

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Sena's Pov:

I awoke to see the first thing around me was the needle connected to an IV drip on my right hand.
My body felt heavy and left me unable to make any move,my eyelids fell close quite a number of times and I ended up falling back to slumber after I heard some panicked sounds around me which I payed no attention to.

I don't know how long its been since I last awoke but I am now.
"Awake?" I heard a someone's voice beside me but to my surprise it seems I am inside some sort of cage and the person next to me seems to be in the same condition.

"Mmmm" I reply not knowing what else to answer with and slowly turning my head towards the person and then below me,I see a mattress,soft to the touch.
'What is going on" I wonder to myself.
"You see we are the only ones left in this room now all others were taken a lot earlier". He replies masking a smile upfront.

" taken?" I question,my mind taking me back to what happened before I first passed out on the ground,helpless,broken and completely hopeless.

"Where?" I ask this too maybe a part of me wanders to a land where I could see my family again and maybe it was but a nightmare but reality hits hard and slaps me on the can never be.

"To someplace....they called it some kind of petshop" he answers,confusion written all over his face.
"They don't seem to hurt us,rather be a lot more cautious is what I had noticed over the past five days I have been awake". He speaks looking directly in the eyes and I could see his concern even though we are strangers and nothing more,a concern for another human being,for someone with the same existence and pain. I see it in his eyes.

" Thanks for telling me I would have been to scared otherwise".I reply giving a return smile which could only be viewed as fake and not genuine and soon I hear the door to the room we are in crack.
A man with a white coat walks in with a stethoscope around his shoulders,a doctor it seems.

"How do you feel now?" He speaks something but it is in a foreign language it seems but given he is a doctor I nod because the one thing doctors would ask their patients will be regarding how they feel or if they feel better.

Soon two more men enter,they are not in white coats or nurse clothes just normal ones and one of them opens the cage beside me and the other one opens my cage and comes closer. Slowly removing the IV drip from me the same goes for the one who was in the cage beside me.

"What your name?" He asks me.

"Sena" I reply.

"Just that?". He questions.

" yes,no more" I reply with bitterness at the thought of the family I had lost.

"I am Jack". He says in a louder voice as he is being taken away.

" that's it for you too?,I see" I say in a louder voice too. But its scaring me,where are they taking him?.

And soon I feel my legs being lifted up and I am scooped from my place and I am being taken out too.
"Where are you taking us?" I question to the one holding me and try to wriggle out of his grasp but to no avail.

They don't reply but just take us out and keep us yet in another cage,smaller than the one before but still enough to stand and lay in. This too has a mattress underneath and this is making me wonder if we are being used for human experimentation but that thought ceased as soon as it came when I looked around at the others in the same type of cages as me and jack and the fact that this place was open to the public as seen from the glass door at the front.

"What is this place?"

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