I realized I need you

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Sadness. That is what Sherlock Holmes felt right now. He felt as if his world had collapsed around him. The unthinkable happened. John called him a freak.

It's been three days since the argument. Three days since Sherlock took any cases. And three days since Sherlock started using drugs again.

Sherlock put on him hoodie and walked out of his flat; eager to make the pain of the past few days go away. As Sherlock neared the warehouse where he and his "friends" smoked weed or whatever they did. Sherlocks pace speed up. He got in the warehouse and immediately found a vein and stuck the needle in his arm. He did it again and again until he felt like the world was going to end. That's not good. One of the other druggies called an ambulance and waited. The ambulance arrived and picked Sherlock up and took him to the hospital. John was working that night so when he heard he was going to be trending a druggie he didn't expect to see Sherlock.

"Oh Sherlock what did you do?" John said with sadness and a bit of anger.

"I didn't want to do it. Damn emotions." Sherlock muttered.

"That's no excuse Sherlock." John said sternly. "I'm going to help you but just this once. The next time you do this I'll just leave you."

Sherlock understood but couldn't answer. He was too tired. He closed his eyes and the next thing he knew he was at his flat in his bed. This happened quite often. Sherlock used drugs and went home. This continued for another week until sherlock overdosed. He was rushed into the hospital and was put in ICU. Sherlock was in a coma. He liked it this way, he couldn't really remember the argument he and John had and he was grateful for that.

John walked into ICU and saw Sherlock laying on the bed still as can be.

"Oh Sherlock... This is all my fault. I'm so so sorry." John said.

"No shit sherlock. Of course this is your fault." Sherlock thought angrily.

"Sherlock please wake up. Your missed by everyone. Mrs. Hudson, Greg, Mycroft, Molly. They all miss you. I miss you. Please wake up. For me." John said while trying to fight back tears.

This is how sherlock and John were for a month. Sherlock was still in a coma and John came in every day repeating those words and never leaving his side. One day when John came in and started to recite his daily speech to sherlock Sherlock opened his eyes.

"I know John and I'm a bit tired of hearing that every single day." Sherlock said smiling.

John got up and studded Sherlock tight "Don't ever do that ever again Sherlock, got that?" John asked while crying

"Got it." Sherlock smiled. "Oh and I need you too." Sherlock said as he placed a quick kiss on Johns cheek. John smiled and kissed sherlock full of the lips. "I love you Sherlock Holmes." John said.

"I love you too John Watson." Sherlock said smiling." The two of them cuddled on the bed until Sherlock could go home. When Sherlock was able to leave John took him back to 221B and set him down on the couch "Sherlock I was wondering... Would you possibly consider being my boyfriend?" John asked nervously

"John I would love to be your boyfriend." Sherlock said.

And that's how it all started.

(Authors note. New chapters will be coming soon!! Don't worry!)

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