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The time for them to settle in had come and gone and while Roger's memory wasn't fully restored, the band settled that there was no reason for them not to carry on with their plans to record. As the rest of the crew arrived at the farmhouse, Roger did his best to adjust.

Brian had helped here and there, explaining who everyone was and Roger's personal connection to them. Any little jokes he had and things of the sort. Many of the people who had arrived pulled him in for tight embraces, praising his return and that he was alive after the accident.

Roger had cornered John sometime beforehand, questioning who it was that did and did not know about their relationship. John had mentioned over time they grew more comfortable with a handful of loyal people that came around with him, but for the most part, they were secretive to anyone outside of the band itself.

Roger tried to wrap his mind around why he and John would want to hide their relationship, knowing that the main excuse had been due to public outcry and gay panic. John didn't want to talk about it much, insisting that they instead put all their focus on the music.

Roger agreed, but not before prying a bit of information out of the man to at least give Roger a bit of insight into their relationship. He already knew that he made the first move to kiss him, while John was the one to turn their relationship sexual. It was everything else that was a bit fuzzy to the man.

They never made it obvious from what he could gather, but that was the whole point. They were supposed to keep it hidden, play it down and make it seem like they were just too good for the groupies and fans that came up to them, ready to offer them the night of their lives.

It had been Roger's idea to buy the house, wanting to have something concrete. Something they could hold onto; a physical piece of their relationship that they knew was real. John had been hesitant at first, fearing the paparazzi would find them, but he fell in love with the mansion. Neither had ever lived somewhere so extravagant. Maybe it was a tad bit too big but who cared? They could afford it. For the first time ever, they could actually afford to spoil themselves!

John told him a few more things; little insights into their lives. Roger was the most outwardly romantic of the two. He'd be the one to surprise John with little gifts here and there. Even back when they were working endlessly and saving up every penny, he would show up with flowers or comics, or even little trinkets.

John was more realistic, choosing to instead focus on when they were alone to show Roger how much he meant to him. He may not be able to sing but there was no doubting that he was a gifted lyricist. He wrote sickeningly sweet love songs for the man and planned on writing man more.

"If I could go back and do it over again, I would in a heartbeat. I would have given you the world, Roger." John confessed to him one of their last nights at the farm.

Roger didn't know how he was supposed to respond but he was left aching. He went to sleep in a bed that was too small, his head resting on a pillow that just didn't smell right. Too much like his own cologne and shampoo. He missed the familiar smell of mattress in the mansion, even if he still didn't know how to describe it.

The band had finally figured out the songs they were going to use and now all that was left was to record them. They started off the week doing the songs that Roger knew the best, leaving the man to practice the rest after hours. It was taking a toll on him, everyone could see it.

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