Prologue: Meeting her

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(y/n) POV

"Look there's the grimm." A girl said as I walked by, "I heard his parents were murdered and he didn't care." One of the orphanage employee's said as I walked past her. For the past two years that I've been living here I've been treated like that for about a year and a half. At first everyone was nice to me and tried to make sure I was ok. I didn't understand why they did anything, but what I did understand was that everyone here was afraid...afraid of me.

I walked outside and sat on the steps and watched the passing people. I was only there for about a minute when a beautiful woman passed by. She had short black hair that she draped over her left eye. She wore a beautiful red dress with gold accents, a pair of heels, and some sort of anklet around her right ankle. She had the most beautiful amber eyes. With that single passing glance I felt something new something that I've never felt before; desire.

The next day I went back out and sat on the steps hoping she would pass by again. After an hour of sitting there she finally passed by.

For weeks I sat on those steps and waited and watched her walk past the orphanage perfectly content with admiring her from afar.

Cinder POV

"Cinder what's up?" Emerald asked, "Not sure, but for the past few days I've been getting the feeling that someone's been wanting me every time I pass that orphanage." I said, "I think tomorrow I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. I don't want any more attention than what's necessary." I said as I walked away.

Early the next morning I set a small spot to observe whoever had been watching me from the roof of a building across from the orphanage.

I was sitting there for almost two hours when a little boy who couldn't have been older than four or five ran out and sat down on the stone steps and waited and watched for someone special to pass. I could tell he was waiting for someone in particular due to the look on his face when a woman passed by, and from the look of disappointment that he got when she wasn't the person he was hoping for. "So you're the one who's been watching me." I said with a slight laugh.

I watched the child for the rest of the day to make sure that he was the one who was watching me. Once I was positive he was the one I decided to pay him a little visit.

(y/n) POV

After sitting out here all day I decided to just give up and go inside, "So you're the one who's been watching me." A woman said just before I was about to go inside, "I... I'm sorry!" I said as I turned around and pressed my back against the door, "I've been watching you, and I must say I'm impressed by how determined you are." She said as she caressed my cheek, "Y...You're not mad?" I asked, "No, but why did you decide to watch me?" She asked, "I don't know. I just feel things when you're around. I feel happy when I see you, and I felt sad when I didn't see you. For as long as I remember I've never felt these things before." I said, "Well then come with me." She said as she extended her hand to me, "I...I don't know, I want to, but I don't know if I should." I said, "Fine then. I'll let you think about it tonight and I'll come back tomorrow morning. I expect you to have your answer by then." She said as she walked away.

'Should I really go with her? I mean she's the one who finally made me feel happy.' I thought as I lied in my bed. I thought about it all night and before I knew it, it was already dawn.

"I trust that you have your answer." The woman said as she once again extended her hand out to me, and this time I took it, "I finally feel all the pain all the other kids intended for me when they called me names and what they meant when they called me empty. I don't want to feel that anymore." I said, "Very well. I am Cinder Fall. Who are you?" She asked, "I'm (y/n) Grey." I said, "No (y/n) Grey died the second you took my hand. You are (y/n) Fall." She said, "Wait are you?" I said, "Yes. From this point forward you are my son." She said, "What should I call you then? Cause I can't call you Cinder anymore." I asked, "You can call me whatever you want." She said as we began to walk down the street, "Ok...Mommy." I said as I held her hand, "You know I was waiting for you for like an hour right." She said with a slight laugh as we walked, "Sorry." I said as I rested my head against her arm, "Don't be. Come on there are a few people I want you to meet." She said.

"(y/n) this is Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black." Mommy said, "What's with the kid Cinder?" Emerald asked, "Emerald, Mercury this is my son (y/n)." Mommy said, "H...Hi." I said shyly, "Hey there kid." Mercury said, "Mercury why don't you go show him around, I have some things I need to take care of." Mommy said, "Sure thing. Let's go (y/n)." Mercury said as we walked away.

Cinder POV

"Cinder." Emerald said, "What, he was cute and he reminded me of myself when I was his age. Plus with a bit of training he could prove very useful to me." I said as I watched (y/n). "I hope you know what you're doing and don't get too attached." She said, "Think about it for a moment Emerald. Why would the cops suspect a single mother of robbing a dust shop?" I said, "So he's a cover then?" She said, "In a way yes." I said as I picked up his bag, "We'll be here for a few days and then I'm thinking him home." I said as I walked towards my room.

Frozen Flame (Male Child Reader X adoptive mother Cinder)Where stories live. Discover now