Chapter 14: My kitties

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(y/n) POV

In the past few months that I've been living with the Belladonna's, Kali felt more and more like a mother to me. And to be honest I wouldn't mind if she was my mother.

"Good morning Kali!" I said happily, "Good morning sweetheart." Kali yawned exhaustedly, "I'll make us some breakfast once I make myself some coffee." She said as she started making a pot of coffee, "Ok Mommy." I said, "Wait did you just call me Mommy sweetheart?" She asked, "I... I'm sorry." I said, "No, no it's alright sweetheart!" She said happily, "if you wanna call me mommy you are more than welcome to." She said.

Later that morning Kali told me what happened to Sun. "Is Sun going to be ok?" I asked, "I hope so sweetheart." Kali said.

Lucy POV

"So wait you're my aunt?!" Ruby said, "Yeah." Yang said, "BUT HOW?! DAD NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT HAVING A SISTER!" Ruby said in shock, "Well Ruby when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much they made your father. Ten years, three bottles of wine, about a dozen or so shots of tequila, and one very hazy night later I happened." I said, "Wait what?" She said, "I get it!" A man said from the bathroom, "Thank you." I said as he walked into the room, "Well hello there." I said, "Hello, the name's Qrow Branwen." He said, "Oh I met your sister." I said, "Oh and how did that go?" He asked, "She was...interesting to say the least." I said.


"So you're Tai's little sister." Raven said as she poured us some drinks, "Yeah and you're the bitch who broke his heart." I said, "You're not afraid of me in the slightest." She said, "Why would I? If you tried to kill me I would have already killed you before you could even lay a finger in that blade of yours. That includes the swords and knives you have hidden in here, even the one under the table and between your legs." I said, "How do you know that's a knife?" She asked, "Well it's either a knife or you're real happy to see me." I said as I took a drink, "I like you." She said.

Several hours later

"H...How are you still going?" Raven asked as she hung on me, "Me and Sky used to get into huge drinking contests whit a lot stiffer drinks than this." I said, "I...I wanna meet this Sky person, she seems like fun." She said, "Well she died almost three years ago." I said, "W...Well t...this...This round is in her memory." She said as she poured more drinks, "To Sky!" She said, "TO SKY!" The rest of the tribe shouted, "To Sky." I said as we all took a drink.

End flashback

"After that we got into a huge contest and I drank them all under the table." I said, "IS THAT WHY YOU DIDN'T COME WITH ME?! YOU WERE GETTING LIT WITH MY MOM!" Yang shouted, "No. I barely got buzzed with what your mom was serving also if your dad asks Raven did it." I said, "What did you do." She said.


"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY HOUSE?!" I yelled as I picked up Zwei and read the note attached to his collar, "Tai had to move the party to your place, also we took all your booze. Love Rae Rae... P.s. I love your sister now!" I read, "RAVEN!" I yelled. 

Lucy POV

"Uncle Qrow what's wrong?" Ruby asked, "There was a drinking party and I wasn't invited!" Qrow pouted, "I wonder what what Sky looked like." A boy said, "I have a picture of her if you'd like to see it." I said, "That would be nice thank you. I'm Jaune, this is Ren, and she's Nora." He said as I handed him an old picture of Sky.

" He said as I handed him an old picture of Sky

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"She was beautiful." He said, "This was when we both enrolled in Beacon, we we're on the same team." I said, "You two were really close hugh." Yang said, "She was my sister in a way, I mean we did live together until we left Beacon." I said, "What happened there?" Weiss asked, "She got married and had a son." I said, "You might know him, (y/n) Fall." I said, "Yeah he's a good kid." Ruby said.

(y/n) POV

"(y/n) it's bed time." Kali said, "Ok." I said as she picked me up and carried me to my room.

I had been asleep for a few hours when I heard fighting downstairs, "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Kali shouted, suddenly there were several gunshots.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" A man yelled as he flew at Kali, "KITTY!" I shouted as I shot the man with an ice sickle, "My kitty." I said as I wrote my name on Kali's arm. 

"DIE!" Someone yelled, "As they kicked me through a wall, "There that should handle that." He said as he turned his back to me, "I'm sorry did you kick me?" I asked as I walked out in front of him, "How did you?!" He said, "Magic." I said as I shot him with a fireball. "Now it's time for your punishment." I said as I developed an evil look in my eyes.

Kali POV

"AHHHHHHHH!" A little girl screamed from where (y/n) had ran off to. "(Y/N)!" I shouted as I ran into the room. "Oh hi Kali!" (y/n) said happily as he put ghost pepper slices into a white fang member's nose, "IT BURNS!" The man cried in pain, "SWEETHEART! Where did you learn something like this?!" I asked in shock, "Cartoons." (y/n) said.

"Ok sweetie we are going to wait out here." I said as the house began to burn, "IT'S HERO TIME! IT'S THE RETURN OF THE SPIDER-BAT!" (y/n) shouted as he ran back into the house, "...THE HELL IS A SPIDER BAT?!" I shouted as someone grabbed me and stopped me from going after him.

(y/n) POV

"Spider-bat, Spider-bat does whatever a spider bat does. colors a picture, any size. Likes to eat lots of fries. Look out her comes the Spider-bat! Is he strong? Not really no. Can he swing from a thread? No not a bit. Hey, there! There goes the Spider-bat! In the chill of night, at the scene of the crime, like a kid on a bike, he arrives, just in time! Spider-bat, Spider-bat, friendly neighborhood Spider-bat. Wealth and fame? He's ignored. Markers are his reward. Look out! There goes the Spider-bat!~" I sang as I put out some of the fires, "This is taking too long." I said.

Kali POV

"Mom wheres (y/n?!" Blake asked as she ran out of the house, "HE RAN BACK INSIDE! HE WAS YELLING SOMETHING ABOUT A SPIDER BAT!" I shouted, "WE HAVE TO GO SAVE HIM!" She shouted, "Blake it's now or never." Ghyra said, "F...Fine, but please someone go save him!" Blake said.

Blake POV

"EVERYONE LOOK! HUMANS DIDN'T DO THIS...WE DID." I shouted, suddenly a piece of roof fell above me, but before it could crush me something flew through it an destroyed it. "Did I do it? Did I save the day?" (y/n) asked as he staggered out of the crater he created, "What's going on?" He asked, "Blake's giving a speech." Mom said, "Oh well listen to her. Blake's nice and pretty and smart, and pretty. When I listen to her she gives me candy, cookies, and markers! In conclution, markers are fun, I am tired, listen to Blake so I can go to bed!" He said, "YEAH LET'S DO IT! LET'S GO SAVE HAVEN ACADEMY!" Everyone yelled as they lifted (y/n) up in celebration. 

Lucy POV

"So what's your weapon called?" Ruby asked, "Dark Echo, and the red katana is called Blood Mist." I said, "Blood Mist actually belonged to Sky, she gave it to me when she retired from being a huntress." I said, "Guys Leo want's to see us." Qrow said.

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