Chapter 6: Transfer

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(y/n) POV

"SALEM I'M HOME!" I shouted as I ran into Salem's room, "Hm. Oh welcome back (y/n) and what have I told you to call me?" Salem said, "Sorry Mama Salem." I said, "That's better sweetie." She said, "I'm sorry I don't think I heard that correctly!" Mommy said angrily, "Oh hi Mommy!" I said happily, "(y/n) darling please don't call her that!" She said quietly hiding her anger, "Now Cinder before you scorn me take a look at what young (y/n) has learned in the very short time that he has been with me." Salem said.

"(y/n) what have I told you about playing with these?!" Mommy said as she took my swords, "Alright no weapons then." I said, "Wait what are you going to do sweetie?" She asked, "Oh I'm going to run for my life." I said calmly, "OVER MY DEAD BODY!" She shouted, "That can be arranged Cinder dear." Salem said calmly, "Don't worry Mommy I've done this before and if anything bad happens Mama Salem always steps in and saves me." I said, "I DO NOT CARE HONEY! I don't want you needlessly putting your life in danger!" Mommy said as she picked me up and hugged me, "Mommy I'll be ok." I said, "I don't care I am your mother and you will listen to me!" She said, "Ok Mommy, I really wanted to show you what I can do thanks to Mama Salem, but since you said no I wont." I said, "Thank you honey, how about you tell me what you can do instead." She said, "Mama Salem gave me magic!" I said happily, "Really now!" She said, "Yeah and now I have a symbol just like yours on my arm!" I said, "Do you now. Here let Mommy see." She said as she rolled up my sleeves reveling the symbol, "SALEM!" She said angrily, "He want's to be just like you so I gave him your symbol, but I can remove it at any time." Salem said, "REMOVE IT NOW!" Mommy shouted, "Fine." Salem said as she removed the symbol. 

"Honey Mommy has some very important work she had to do, and since I don't like or trust practically anyone here around you aside from Hazel, you're coming with me!" Mommy said, "Where are we going Mommy?" I asked, "Beacon academy. Mommy will have to lie to a lot of people, and I might have to tell people that you aren't my son, but that is a lie." She said as she hugged me.

Cinder POV

"Mommy are we there yet?!" (y/n) asked, "No honey." I said as I read my book, "Mommy I'm tired." He said, "Then take a nap honey." I said as I continued to read, "Mommy I'm scared." he said, "Why are you scared honey?" I asked as I put down my book and sat him on my lap, "I don't wanna be alone at Beacon. Emerald told me that I'd have to stay in the dorm room while  you all are at class." He said, "Well we'll see what I can do, but yes that may be the case darling." I said, "Just go to sleep honey and when you wake up we'll be at Beacon." I said.

"I know I told him to go to sleep, but I just thought he'd take a nap or something." I said, "Excuse me ma'am." A blonde woman said, "Yes can I help you?" I asked as I turned to face her, "Hello I'm Glynda Goodwitch. I would like to know why you brought a child with you to to attend the Vytal Festival." She said, "Oh this is my baby brother (y/n). He doesn't have the best home life. I didn't trust my father with him since our mother died." I said, "I see, you realize that there will be no daycare service of any kind for him." She said, "I know, but I was hoping he could maybe come to class with me." I said, "I don't know." She said, "Professor what if I watched him for her?" A woman with red hair asked, "Mis Nikos you must think about how this will affect your studies." Glynda said, "It would only be when she needs someone to watch him for her." The girl said, "Fine then." Glynda said as she walked away, "Thank you so much." I said, "It's no problem." She said, "My name is Cinder Fall, and this is (y/n)." I said, "It's very nice to meet you, I am Pyrrha Nikos." She said.

A/N: Ok! I had an idea for a little DC style type crossover with another one of my stories of coarse there will be differences from the annual DC crossover specials, and of coarse nothing that happens in it will actually have any real affect on the stories and will never be referenced. So what I wanna know is would you like to see this?




Frozen Flame (Male Child Reader X adoptive mother Cinder)Where stories live. Discover now