5.2 - A Bitch's Bargain

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Her gaze swept up and down my body and then the worst happened. The corner of her mouth twitched.

I hate the MEA. If I hadn't been caught I could have avoided this. Now I had to prevent major exposure by doing damage control.

Agent Ryann returned to her blank face and grabbed the clear pack. She ripped it open, took some tape, a gauze, and a white material which she placed neatly on the bench beside me. Once she was satisfied with the positioning of her supplies, she bent down on one knee.

One mistake after another. I should've went with laying down. To those watching it would have looked medical and normal. But with Agent Ryann on her knee it looked like... Dare I say it? Like she was going down on me.

"You know," She said breaking the silence. "We are both woman. There's nothing to be ashamed about."

Yeah, screw you too.

I threw my head back and stared at the lights above when she starting pulling the bloody bandage off. I could feel the heat of her breath against my stomach.

"I've seen many nude folks as an Agent and definitely as a medic. As a Werewolf I would have expect you to have no shame considering you have to get undressed when you shift. Your work clothes are beyond repair, by the way."

I attempted to swallow the big lump in my throat.

She gently took the tape away and her arm brush mine as she reached for one of the items on the bench. A cold wetness touched the hole in my side. The small circles she made with the cool cloth eased some of the stinging. Soft fingers ran around my wound and just below my ribs.

I gasped.

"Hurt?" She asked.

 "No," I said. "It just tickles."

I looked at her and noticed that tiny smile had returned. It was almost a smirk.

I really, really want to shave her eyebrows.

She had stopped with her hands unmoved from my side, staring at me. At that moment I realised how close her face was to my vagina.

Try not to think about it. Come on, steer the ship.

"Why did you specialize as a medic?"

She looked up, surprise written clearly on her face. "How do you know about the specialization? Most don't know and others are sworn to secrecy."

I said nothing.

She sighed and I knew my control was slipping. Her breath blew into my pubic hair and my nipples hardened. But only because it was cold.

It felt like we were fighting over the steering wheel.

"When you pranced around the room you ripped some of the new flesh." She said with a frown, as she threw the cleaning cloths on the ground. "I specialized in medical support because it always comes in handy. Many of the other skills can always be learnt on the job."

Silence descended and Agent Ryann continued brushing the dried blood away.

"You said you were going to tell me about last night." I wanted to know what had happened and if the things I remembered was actually correct. Silver will make any Werewolf a little senile and moody.

"Two nights ago." She corrected.


"Yeah. Brian had difficulty getting the silver out."

"I've been laying in here naked for two nights? Who the hell is Brian?"

"Hey! Try not to move so much." She laid her hand flat on my stomach when it puffed in rhythm to my questions. "By the time he got to you the silver had already started breaking down. I had scratches on my hands and no gloves. It would have been difficult for me to help you."

"He was that man." I said. "What happened to Blondie?"


"The man who shot me."

"Oh." She threw the small cloths on floor next to the old bandage. "He died in transit. Brian was concentrating on getting the silver out of you first."

"So," I inquired. "What did Blondie say? You did question him?"

"Nothing much."


Bloody liar.

Agent Ryann grabbed the gauze and tape off the bench. She put the gauze against my side covering the wound and took strips of tape to hold the gauze in place.

"How did Brian get the silver out? If the metal was already braking down inside me only minutes after I got shot, I would have died."

"You should be fully healed within a week." She finished taping the gauze and stood up.

Finally. I snagged the ends of the blanket and wrapped them around me again, ignoring Agent Ryann's smirk.

"I had Brian on call just in case something like this happened. He was able to call your blood to the surface, then he sucked it out. Blood tainted with silver doesn't taste very nice apparently." She continued. "It was a hollow bullet, so when it nicked your rib it broke apart."

"Brian's a vampire?" I said.

"Yeah. He's not an MEA Agent, he's a freelance mercenary. We just contract him for work. "

"Hollow bullet. So that means someone's trying to kill me"

"No, I don't think so." She said with her arms crossed. "I think he had panicked."

"You knew something like this would happen?" No wonder she was so intention keeping me in sight.

"After you ran off I was happy to let you go and find other leads. They would have sent another Agent to deal with you. But headquarters contacted me about Brian, and he told me what he knew. So I picked up your scent again and kept an eye on you."

Of course she didn't really lose me. She's so good at what she does that I hadn't even noticed her presence. My nose must be out of commission if I hadn't smelt her during my runs in the forest.

A thought occurred to me. "Why are you telling me all this?"

Agent Ryann walked towards the door. The sound echoed around the room, as she knocked on the steel door in a strange sequence. The door opened wide enough for her to put her arm through, and when she pulled it back she held clothes.

My clothes. Clothes I had packed in my bag. She had probably pawed through my stuff at the house. She can't seem to keep her hands away from my stuff.

She handed them over to me. "I'm telling you this because anyone who knows too much about the case either helps the MEA under contract, and they can't disclose any information to the public. Or they get incarcerated until the case is solved or closed."

"But most mass killings of Börds go unsolved for years."

She smiled and winked at me.


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