Chapter Three: The Milf

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They walked in silence. Pondering what just happened. Not knowing to feel or what to be. Should they be sad? Should they be happy? Should they give a damn knowing that it might not matter at the end of the day? None knew, but what they may have known was that they could surely be dead by the end of this travesty of a covenant. They knew naught of anything else. No one knew naught of what to do nor what to think. So they decided not to think and instead just walk. Walk through their feelings, walk through their thoughts, walk through their lives and give no consideration to anything except the next step in front of them; because as everyone knew, the road was long and treacherous and that they needed to truly keep their steps were they needed to be.

In front of them.

They passed through the Well of Bos, an old street with an older name that connected to the Avenue of South, and from there onto the entrance of highway ninety and five. An inn or something related was in shambles at the right of the entrance, going upward and toward the expanse of the highway. The ramp itself was littered with old gray husks of metal, rubber, and iron. Husks of a far and distant time that little knew the true truth of them, but enough to make their presence that much more fanicul The going would be slow as these husks gave little birth to maneuver, and many found themselves walking upon them, instead of around them. Regardless, the warband meandered on silently. Putting one foot in front of the other. Thinking of nothing more than just that.

Thankfully each exit was numbered in a faint grey green tinge, with signs telling all who cared, where to go and where not to. One of such caliber was slated right near exit thirty, which was scrawledin brown streaks, and could have either been new shit or old dried blood scrawling, the words, "Don't Bother." All very helpful and wise, in spite of the fruitlessness of the message as all would go where they pleased, regardless of the signs that bid them otherwise. As was the plight of the Wild Boars. Going where they needed to, in spite of the signs that bid them to flee and not do what their Meister bid.

The warband trudged on without a word. Sir Jabberjaw and Sir Jonus walked at the front. Sir Yashua, Sir Wallace and Meister Kevin bright up the rear and the rest dotted about, trying to find space for their tramping. They tramped. Silently. The tramping lasted for about an hour, before Meister Kevin, who was eerily quiet and dejected, decided to speak up in a deliberately discrete fashion with Sir Wallace. "Sir Wallace, may I ask you something?"

"Yes Meister. Yes of course." Sir Wallace shifted his weight to get a better grip on his war hammer, and to rest it more comfortably on his back. He kept one hand poised for attack, ever at the ready for the bandit, or mongrel, or monster that would rise out of the shadows to attack any and all of them. He neither turned, nor did his eyes leave the road beyond, spying about for any threats that could easily be dispatched, or at the very least pointed out. He breathed evenly and strong, as if this walk seemed to bother him not, nor the weight of all that he bore. Sir Wallace was in perfect balance and perfect readiness for battle, yet he was never ready to speak with Meister Kevin, as it was.

"What did you think about my little speech?" Meister Kevin lifted his visor showing a sheepish smile plastered on his scruffed face. His eyes darted around for many reasons, none to the liking ofSir Wallace. Meister Kevin was nervous and anxious and heavily insecure. He walked with an uneven gait and had to watch where he planted his feet, not being as surefooted as the more nimble slave knights he walked with. Meister Kevinwas less traveled than all of them, and was the furthest from perfect balance and battle readiness, in spite of some of his abilities to fight.

Sir Wallace did not turn towards him, he just continued on, perfectly ready, perfectly balanced, and perfectly cautious for the road that was before him. A tremendous silence fell between them as Sir Wallace sought out the words to best suit the situation.

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