[OLD] Chapter 1 ; The beginning

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The Quebec siblings had recently moved houses into the famous city of Robloxia. They were excited to start fresh and do new things. Kitty and Wolfen were both highly capable people. Their new home was a simple house just at the outskirts of the sprawling city. They had agreed on a plan beforehand to not become too overwhelmed after moving in. 1, Kitty would get a job to earn them money and Wolfen would care for the house. 2, Follow the rules and stay out of trouble. It was a simple plan but worked for them both. Now that that's settled, we can begin the story.


She had ignored them. When they said, 'don't go', she smiled. When they said, 'it's dangerous', she laughed. Driving as she was past lush green rolling hills. A clear blue sky above and a brand-new adventure ahead. How bad could this new place really be?


~Kitty's P.O.V.~

I grabbed my bag and waved a quick goodbye to my brother before leaving the house. Today is the day I'm going to look for a job! Hopefully, I could find one at the employment office instead of wandering the city for openings. I enter the employment building and go up to the lady at the desk.

"Can I help you, sweetheart?" She asks me

"Yeah, I'd like to get a job please" I answer. The woman smiles and hands me a list of all the job openings. Surprisingly there are only two pages, I thought there'd be more in a city of this size. I run my eyes over the list, trying to pick out ones I'd have a chance at. A few popped out at me; Boho Salon, Hilton Hotel and Koala Café. Looking back at the desk lady, I point out the ones I like the look of.

"Good choices" She flips through a very bulky book and passes me three leaflets. "There you go, good luck hon."

I thank her and leave the office, leaflets in hand. The first one if for Boho salon, it's located a block from here. So far this has turned out okay, and I could get there pretty easily. Humming to myself I walk along the street, past shops, flats, offices, education centres, and lots of other colourful buildings. The people I pass are just as colourful, some with bright purple hair, some with sparkling white wings, some with red scaly tails, and some with diversely fluorescent clothing. I arrive at the salon and go inside. It smells of shampoo, oils, scented candles and makeup. They don't even consider me and send me on my way.

The next day, I look at the second possibility, Hilton Hotel. It's next to the ocean which is a bit far, so I catch the subway train to a closer station. I walk inside and head to the receptionists.

"Hello! I was wondering where I'd have to go to apply for a job here?" I say. They direct me to the interview room, and I go in and sit down. There's a lot of people here so I'm kind of worried about my chances of getting a job. A man with a narwhal head and the Hotel's uniform comes in and starts going around the room asking questions.

The girl sitting next to me whispers, "How many people d'you think will get in?" I shrug and continue watching the man move from person to person. When he gets to me, he asks some questions. "You. Kitty, yes? If an angry customer came up to you demanding service, what would you do?" He asks.

I nervously think for a moment and respond with, "I'd politely ask what they need and try and assist them."

The narwhal headed man asks a few more questions, nods and moves on. After about an hour he moves to the centre of the room and reads out the names of the people who should come back tomorrow to confirm their job placement. "Sparkle Squid, Dragon, Kitty, and Mint Choc Chic."

I got the job! Proud of myself, I go home to get some sleep for my working day tomorrow.

The next day I wake up and put on some good clothes. Wolfen congratulates me and wishes me luck. I catch the train again and walk off the station to the Hotel. I open the door and walk up to the reception desk.

"Hello! I'm Kitty Quebec, here for my first shift! Where do I start?" I ask the people at the desk

One of them checks a list and then says "I'm sorry, there's no Quebec here..."

"But that must be a mistake, I was told I got the job at an interview yesterday!"

"What was the name of the interviewer?"

I pause, oh dear, I didn't remember his name "I don't remember, sorry-"

"Then I'm afraid we can't give you a job miss. Each person needs to confirm with the person that interviewed them. If you can't remember, you can't work here."

Disheartened, I head back home. It seems to take hours, me in my own little space in my head. Maybe I'll have better luck at the other place...? I get home and search for the third and last leaflet. Pulling out of the bin, I look at the address of the 'Koala Café'. Maybe with what's left of the day I can get an interview there. I put a notepad and pencil into my bag this time, to remember names and such.

It's much further than the hotel and salon were, I have to catch a boat across the water channel to get to a smallish island in the middle of the channel. I thank the boat's driver and hop out onto the island's dock. I walk inside and look around. It smells amazing in here, like cake-pops, eucalyptus, coffee and glitter. There's staff in koala outfits walking around serving customers, and baristas and bakers working the till. I get into line and slowly make my way to the counter.

"Hello! Welcome to the Koala Café, my name is Casey! What would you like to order?" A cheery girl asks me once I reach the front of the line

"Actually, I was wondering where I'd have to go to get a job here." I say

"Well, normally you would go to the Manager's office for an interview, but they just finished." she answers apologetically.

"Oh... That's fine, thank you anyway..." Frustrated at myself, I head back out, ride the boat to the shore, and walk home.

What a rubbish first few days this has been, I haven't even gotten a job and Wolfen and I have our bills to pay. I get home and cook a dinner of spinach and ricotta pasta. Wolfen eats two bowls and then asks me about how my job hunting went. I shrug and start washing up the dishes.

It's going to be a long week.

(1145 words) (© AnonReaderChan)

(small a/n; updates are far and few between. when updates are made, I will try and make them chunky. due to this not being a personal priority and not being very popular anyway, it will be a slow story. I will get it done though so those who do enjoy it, please bear with me.)

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