[OLD] Chapter 2 ; First impression

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~*~ To move on with the story, we will skip three months. ~*~

~Third P.O.V.~

Kitty woke up with a yawn. Stretching her limbs, she groggily gets out of bed and gets ready for yet another day of job searching. She had a job, almost a month ago, but got fired because they found a better candidate. At least she and Wolfen had some money from it. She gets dressed in a purple starry shirt, blue jeans and white sneakers. She ties her hair up in a ponytail and exits her room.

Perhaps instead of going to the office, she'd just wander around today. There's bound to be signs up for job vacancies. With a quick breakfast of blueberry pancakes and a wave to Wolfen, Kitty heads out to scour the city once more.


After about a couples hours later, outside the edge of the city, Kitty stumbles upon a large, seemingly man-made, cave entrance, blocked by large red, grey and black metal doors. A sleek steel sign next to the doors states; "Roblox's Myths Containment Facility." In large bold white writing. In smaller text it says; "Visitors please head to reception to receive the visitor's badge."

Curious, Kitty approaches the doors and they swiftly open for her, allowing her entrance to a small staircase.

"I suppose a quick look couldn't hurt... Maybe they have a job opening?" She murmurs, steps down onto the stairs and into the tomb-like building. The doors click shut behind her, but she takes no notice and keeps moving forward.

Once down the short stairs, she is met with another door. This too lets her pass with quiet efficiency. Seems this place is fond of thick metal doors... She crosses a bridge over what sounds like water, but it's too dark to tell. She stops at two guards with blue visors, and a metal detector. They nod her through, and she goes to a translucent tunnel to an old mine elevator. Kitty steps onto it uneasily, and it trembles to life, bringing her ever deeper underground. A gasp escapes her lips as she moves off the elevator into a gargantuan room. How it fits underground is a mystery, and it seems to radiate mystery just as much.

Walking forward, Kitty is met with a booth. It has three windows like those you'd see at information stations or a bank. Lining each window is a line of red rope, presumably to keep lines straight. Words above the windows indicate that this booth is reception. She walks into one of the rope lines and goes up to a window. Looking through the glass she sees only one person inside, waiting at a coffee machine while watching... "Blue static?" ...on a mounted television. At her confused question, the person notices her and sits down on the other side of the window.

"Hello and welcome to the RM Foundation. My name is Hero. How may I help you today?" He says, coffee in hand.

She looks around, then says "Um, the sign out front said I needed to uh, get a badge from here? The visitor's badge?"

Hero nods and, after asking her name, hands her a badge which she pins on her shirt. Kitty thanks the man and walks off, wanting to explore this huge place more. There didn't appear to be many people here today, just the receptionist, a few guards with differently coloured visors, someone in a white coat, and Kitty herself. Behind the booth is a statue with a plaque at its base, the plaque says; "The Myth King." Wondering who the Myth King is, Kitty looks to four archways, evenly placed around the room. To her left, Block A. Behind the statue in front of her, Block B. To her right is Block C, and Block D. Block D is closed off, it seems to whisper secrets and danger. Just as she moves to go to Block A and explore, an alarm starts.


Despite the blaringly obvious instructions, Kitty decides to quietly follow a man in a suit and fedora. He directs the guards with different coloured visors, and another man with a jackal-like head directs a selection of guards with just blue visors. Due to the loud noises of gunfire and shouting, they don't seem to notice her watching. Just as she begins to wonder what they're shooting at, the door to Block D crashes open and a smoky black object comes flying out. The fedora man yells, "Batons out!" and all the guards pull out stun batons. The smoky object comes into clarity and takes on the shape of what seems to be a man. His skin is darker than coal, the pigment of nothingness, he wears a tragedy mask of the same colouration, but the eyes are a ferocious, burning white. Topping his head is a gleaming, very dark grey crystalline crown. But the most intimidating aspect of this violent attacker is the long, intricate scythe, sharp enough to separate tendon from muscle and flesh from bone.

Kitty watches on with fear in her eyes and bated breath as the guards and their commanders take on this unnatural monster. The shelter is closed so she remains hidden in a bush. The jackal man yells for the blue visors to guard the shelter, and make sure no one gets out.

The fedora man then shouts, "Noli is weak, finish him off!" The remaining guards move almost in sync, hit with baton, move back to avoid the scythe. It is a slow process, but the shadow creature eventually falls to his knees and the scythe from his hands. The crown dissipates and the smoke clears. Peeking out from her bush hideout, Kitty sees something that will stick in the back of her mind for the next three years.

The black mist smoke rises and reveals a male who looks bruised and battered. A man with a moustache, cap and suit walks up to the no-longer-smoky person lying on the ground. With a weary smile he puts the weaker man's arm over his shoulder and says, "C'mon Kaz, let's get you to the med bay."


~Kitty's P.O.V.~

My legs feel weak from the confusion and fear I felt today. I decide to catch the bus home. On the bus, my mind is whirring with questions. Perhaps I'll find the answers another day. I get home and eat dinner with Wolfen. I ask him how his day was, and he starts talking about some people who moved in next door today, and that we should try and make friends with them. I nod, not really absorbing his words, but agreeing anyway.

I put on my pyjamas and brush my teeth, then get into bed. Despite the danger I was in today, it doesn't take me long to fall asleep and forget my troubles.

Tomorrow's a new day let's see where it takes me.

(1160 words) (© AnonReaderChan)

(edit; BlxckViper was the Director of Operations at the time but I wasn't sure how to describe him, so I made it Phill instead. Sorry-)

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