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Draco sat in the Great Hall quietly. The thunder storms from outside could be heard, echoing throughout the mass of the hall as the students patiently waited for dinner.
However, what everyone could clearly notice was the abundant lack of Gryffindor students at the moment.
It was more than enough to get people in a bit of hysterics. And, while Draco would be far from admitting it then, he himself was beginning to fret for the Lions' whereabouts. Specifically this world's savior, but that was hardly important at all.
Except it was.
Murmurs were turning into an uproar as students began to demand the location of the missing forth house before there was a clap of thunder overhead that silenced everyone to turn their attention to their head master.

"Gryffindor will be among us soon. They've merely been caught up by the Dementors, nothing that Professor McGonagall and Lupin cannot handle. They were merely in the wrong place at the wrong time and are being handled." Dumbledore's voice boomed across the hall.

Draco stiffened. He didn't like the idea of Dementors one bit. He'd already written numerous letters to his father about how this was unacceptable, and how a Third Year such as himself should have nothing to do with such things if he were unable to defend himself.
He shouldn't have even needed to know how to cast a Patronus. However, here he was, Patronus-less and fretting the whereabouts of a particular green-eyed wonder.

"Surely Potter will come to the rescue, as always." Draco sneered to the others. If he had said it in a cheerful tone, it'd have been easier to detect the genuine meaning to the words, however, this was his best coping mechanism- masks of hate, of loathing, seemed to always look best on him.

"Petty Potter." Pansy rolled her eyes.

"You heard about him on the train," Dean chuckled, "He's probably scared out of his wits!"

"Couldn't agree more." Draco smirked. This didn't help the feeling in his gut that something was terribly wrong. If dementors scared Harry Potter, one who defeated the Dark Lord andDraco'sheart, what possibly could they do? He had heard they bestowed the worst, most traumatic experience a person has ever gone through on said person and essentially crippled you until you fainted due to the trauma. Draco wasn't sure what his memory would be. One of the many times his father had scolded him? One of the few times his mother had?
Harry refusing him their first year.

Draco's cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
He'd been doing better in winning over Harry's favor, while still focusing enough fake loathing on him to mask the fact that he was terrified right now that Harry might be hurt.
It was becoming almost too unbearable until Draco finally had to stand up, "I'll be back." He swung his leg over the bench he'd been sitting on and turned to exit.

"Where are you going?" Pansy cocked an eyebrow.

"Like you need to know, Parkinson." Draco glared before stalking off towards the hall's exit.

"No students are permitted-" A statue began to speak as Draco exited.

"I've got to piss." Draco glared and the statue glared back, "What? Want me to make a show of it on one of the tables?" He narrowed his gaze and the statue grumbled and let him pass begrudgingly.

Draco stalked off.

Once out of surveillance from any authority, Draco swiftly moved towards the main entrance of the school, peering around a corner to see a few more statues guarding it, backs turned to Draco, more concerned with what was outside versus what was inside.

Draco thought about the Slytherin table and sighed as he leaned against the wall corner that faced the main entrance. He couldn't say he was missing having dinner with any of his friends because he didn't really feel like he could call any of them that. They didn't make him feel like he was their friend. Like they wanted him around.
Harry wanted him around- sometimes- at least he was polite enough to help Draco study and not shoo him away.
Well, to be fair, he technically had refused to at first- until Snape saw this, giving him motive to purposefully pair Harry and Draco together, in hopes of making Potter miserable in a harmless fashion.
It had done just that the first month before Draco finally started to listen to what Harry was trying to teach him and began actually learning something in Potions. He now had quite the admiration for the class- or maybe it was for Harry-
On the inside, Draco was still conflicted as to how he felt about the boy...well, more like, he hadn't known he liked blokes until Harry.
Even now he had some doubts.
That is, until the front gate swung open.

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