I love you

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Inspired by something _the_drarry_life_  posted about (Not a chapter but a side note, but their chapters are amazing <3)
Please pardon my French in this chapter, I'm not a fluent speaker, if you have the desire to correct me, please do so kindly! I don't mean to offend, I'm just really uncultured, hah— also please only correct if you're a fluent/educated speaker just so I don't accidentally dig myself a deeper grave, oh geez—Thanks!!
Let's see how this goes—

Draco rapped his pencil on his desk in complete and udder boredom. Snape could turn anything into the most agonizing lesson in the world. He could probably take the most interesting thing in the world and make it monotonous-
Okay, well, that wasn't true, nothing could make Harry monotonous.

It was the only redeeming quality about their class, that fact that he sat behind Harry and was able to admire the boy subtly. Subtly, of course, to Harry, but not, of course, to Pansy.

"Stop looking at Potter like that," Pansy scolded, "Someone will think you're sick."

"Sick? Why?" Draco glared slightly, directed at Pansy but still he was unable to take his gaze away from Harry, currently memorizing the way his hair curved against his head, "His hair is perfect, you know."

"Because you're smiling and think that Harry Potter's hair is p e r f e c t— I mean, really, Draco have you seen it? It looks like a black mop-"

"I wish I had hair like that." Draco sighed dreamily as Snape finished up his lesson and the class began to pack up.

"Are you even listening to me?" Pansy scoffed, "You would kill a man if you woke up with hair like that!"

"His eyes are extraordinary too." Draco cooed.

"You can't even see his fucking eyes!" Pansy shrieked, stamping he foot down, "accidentally" atop Draco's.

Draco shrieked in pain, "Merde!" He cursed loudly as he grabbed his foot and began bouncing in a circle with whimpers.

He got a few concerned looks.

Draco scowled and flipped Pansy off, "Va te faire foutre!"

Pansy growled and glared at Draco, "I've actually got a girlfriend for that, asshole!"

"Pansy!" Hermione turned bright red at her lover's words.

"Sorry, I forgot you spoke-"

"Every single language there is to be spoken? Yes." Hermione lifted her chin proudly, "But you're not wrong." She glanced up innocently.

Pansy's face turned bright red and Draco rolled his eyes, "Get a room."

"You can understand French?" Ron's eyes widened at the brunette.

Hermione nodded with a grin, "I can speak a bit too- but I can never pronounce things quite right-"

"Hold her to that." Ron looked sternly at Pansy, "It's Karma, I tell you, Mrs. Leviosaaaa." He stuck out his tongue at Hermione who flicked his nose.

"Oh, you have a bit of a mark on your nose, did you know that?" Hermione mocked.

"Ah," Ron waved his hand dismissively with a sniff of amusement.

Hermione grinned to show all was meant in good fun before she took Pansy's hand, "We'd better get going to class, come on."

Pansy nodded in agreement.

"Mate?" Ron turned to Harry who was still looking at a now reddening Malfoy with wide eyes, "Harry?"

"You can speak French?" Harry gaped.

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