Chapter 1: The Crash

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Alarms blare as a figure rushes through hordes of strange creatures. Guns blazing, the figure dodged strikes and bullets from the creatures. He lobs a grenade, making a few small crawling crustacean like creatures small splatters of green fluid. From a display case, he grabs a large hammer like object.

"Die, you ugly parasitic fucks!"

      The figure slams the hammer into the ground, sending several creatures with large wriggling bulges on their backs flying through the air, causing them o explode, sending half a dozen of the strange crustacean like creatures.

"Damn it. That was a bad idea."

      The man swings the newly acquired hammer, smashing some of the creatures with whip like arms to bits. When the tidal wave of the crawling creatures starts to converge on him, he swings it downwards again. Another shockwave turns the crawling creatures into greenish paste. He turns around, and grabs what seems to be a missile launcher, only with two rockets available to be shot without needing to reload.

        The man places it on his back, and grabs a pistol off the ground. He takes aim, and blasts off the arms off some of the creatures, rendering them pretty useless. He begins to run once again, and reaches a door. He rapidly taps in the code. It opens, and he forcibly closes it quickly. He cautiously looks around, before sprinting to a computer.

"Hey, Tiiva! You there?!"

A small female figure appears floating in a small terminal.

A small female figure appears floating in a small terminal

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She sighs in relief before saluting.

"Right here. Good to see your still alive, Barracuda. And before you ask, I've altered the course of slip space. This might end up getting you killed."

"Better than letting the Flood get to Earth."

"You and your drive to protect."

     The Spartan chuckles, before extracting a chip from the terminal. The woman's body dissapears. He puts the chip inside of the back of his helmet. A sudden jolt sends the Spartan sprawling. The ships hull groans, and several explosions rock the Frigate.

"We're so fucked."

"No we're not. Calm down, you paranoid little A.I."

"Shut up, up you stud!"

"I'll ask about that later, but it appears we have some parasite problems."

He whips out his pistol and blasts a crawling creature.

"Lots of Infection forms are pushing a giant the door!"


The door is broken down. Hundreds of the Infection Forms crawl inside. Pulling out the rocket launcher, he fires two rockets, blasting the infection forms to smithereens. Some survive, and crawls toward the Spartan. He whips out his pistol, and fires at them, finishing them off. He holsters the pistol onto his belt, and draws his hammer. He cautiously peeks out, seeing nothing. He quietly walks through the damaged ship.

"It appears we're drifting above an uncharted planet."

"Damn that's not good."

"Yeah, but what's worse is that the ship's drifting into its atmosphere!"


    Something screeches behind him. He turns to see an infected Spartan. His eyes widen, as it charges towards him. He catches it by the throat and punches it, knocking the parasite in the persons body out. He feels the ground beneath him heat up. With a massive KABOOOM!, the ship impacts with the planets surface.

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