Chapter two.

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Chapter 2

I wake up at 4:30am.

When I wake up, I hear Justine walking into the room.

"Kaitlyn.." She whisper's.

I prop myself up on my elbow. "Yes?"

"Can I sleep in here tonight? They're back." She look's scared.

I nod, and lay on the other end of my bed.

Chronic nightmare's are something in my family that isn't uncommon. My family had a whole line of Anexiety and depression, along with chronic nightmares. I was lucky to never have the number of nightmares Justine had... Brianne had them too, I don't think she does anymore. She's depressed already so if she does... i'm not sure if it would even bother her anymore.

My sister crawls into my bed and snuggles into her teddy bear she got from our aunt before she moved to Virginia. She loved that thing so much. She named him Zoe, and she's this blue bear that had only half of a right ear up to this point, and the arm is stiched up to the shoulder of the bear. She would never let the bear go at night, and it somewhat calmed her.


I turn over to my side, to see justine's hair covering her face.

"Hey.... how was school?" I ask, trying to break the silence.

"They're all rude. Except this one group of people which is just 3 people out of the 30 kids in my class." She sighed.

"Are they you're friends?"

She nodded.

"One of them is a girl named Valerie, and she has freckle's everywhere!" She said. "She's really sassy and she stuck up for me when this meanie named Alex called me twiggy."


"And there's also this boy named Pierre, he's really cool. He likes Pokemon and Dog with a blog." She continues. "Also they're's Kayla Crawford. She's really funny. But she always says her older sister's mean to her."

I pull Kayla close to me and pet her head.

"I'm glad you made friend's at least." I admit.

She nods.

Before I know it, she's asleep.


"Look, all i'm saying is he's ultra cute." Jeff say's to me. We're in Spanish class.

"Really?" I question.

"Yes. I'm telling you that Ansel Algort is adorable." Jeff admit's. "The Fault in our stars is hella sad still. And Ansel playing Augustus didn't help. He had such a sad proformance!" I laugh quitely.

"Okay class." Mrs. Carmona announces. "Today i'll be handing out all of your textbooks. If you lose them, it's a charge of 45 dollars because the school cannot afford to supply books everytime someone rip's one."

She hand's out the book's.

"Now estudiantes, I hate to be the teacher that hand's out homework on first week, but I am required to give you homework. You must read chapter's one and two and then answer the question's on the worksheet. Answer in full sentences, and handwriting counts. Homework is 40 percent of your overall grade." She drags on. "I'll let you use the last 15 minutes to do your homework. Please use it wisely."

I open my textbook.

I begin reading.

I haven't even gotten past chapter 1 when the bell ring's.

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